Planex Mini-300PU & Mini100s – Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: b0telh0
    日期: 2011-04-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • GotGeek Labs
    Planex Mini-300PU & Mini100s Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability
    [+] Description
    The PLANEX Mini-300PU is the greatest network printing solution to both
    USB and Parallel printer ports. It provides 2 USB 2.0 and 1 Parallel printer
    ports, which can work with 3 printers at the same time.
    You could share multiple printers with your network clients in your office
    or at home with different O/S Base, including Windows 2000/XP, Linux, and Mac OS 8.1,
    or even higher: Unix, Netware. PLANEX Mini-300PU Printer Server is your best choice.
    The Mini100s parallel port print server directly attaches to a printer. The
    print server supports IPP, and even a network beginner can set up the product
    with ease via the supplied configuration utility for Windows "Smart Print Manager 3".
    [+] Information
    Title: Planex Mini-300PU & Mini100s Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability
    Shodan Dork: ZOT-PS-39/6.2.0001 -WWW-Authenticate
     ZOT-PS-30/8.3.0013 -WWW-Authenticate
    Advisory: gg-008-2011
    Date: 03-15-2011
    Last update: 03-26-2011
    [+] Vulnerabilities
    Stored Cross-site Scripting:
    Web interface from Mini-300PU and Mini100s Print Servers are affected by stored
    cross-site scripting vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize
    user-supplied input at "NDSContext" field in "NetWare NDS Settings" area.
    An attacker may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary script code
    in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site.
    After injecting the XSS code, you need to access Netware status page.
    Affected Versions:
    Planex Mini-300PU Print Server
    Firmware: 6.02.39P (ZOT-PS-39/6.2.0001)
    Planex Mini100s Print Server
    Firmware: 8.03.30P 0013 (ZOT-PS-30/8.3.0013)
    	8.03.30P 0007 (ZOT-PS-30/8.3.0007)
    Other versions may also be vulnerable.
    [+] Proof of Concept/Exploit
    and then..
    [+] Timeline
    24-03-2011: first contact to vendor.
    25-03-2011: support contact response, asking more details.
    27-03-2011: more information sent.
    03-04-2011: no vendor response.
    04-04-2011: advisory published.
    [+] References
    [+] Credits