[Security Advisory Details: 07/04/2001]
[Script]S40 CMS 0.4.2 Beta
[Vulnerability] Local File Inclusion
[Original Adv]http://y-osirys.com/security/exploits/id27
[Author]Giovanni Buzzin, "Osirys"
[Contact] osirys[at]autistici[dot]org
[CMS Description]
S40 CMS is FREE Content Management System
S40 CMS 0.4 beta is lightwieght flat file CMS written on PHP, suitable for small and medium sites.
S40 is open-source MIT-license CMS developed by AWEN art studio Ltd.
S40 is fast and easy to customize system with build-in installer.
[Security Flaw]
S40 CMS is prone to Local File Inclusion vulnerability because of poor security checks and bad input
sanitization: GET variables are not properly sanitized before being included via require() PHP function.
ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); // comment this line to disable gzip compression
require "inc/config.php";
require "inc/langs/".$s40[lang] .".php";
if ($s40[installed]){
require "inc/functions.php";
require page($_GET[p],$_GET[c],$_GET[g],$_GET[gp]);
Having a quick look at page() function, the security issue is clear: $pid ($_GET['p']), is not sanitized
or passed through a valid regular expression before being returned to require() function of index.php file.
[code:/inc/functions.php:page():line 13]
function page($pid,$cid,$gid,$gp){
$p = "index";
return "data/".$p.".page.php";
if (isset($pid) and isset($cid)){
return "data/404.inc";
$p = $pid;
$c = $cid;
return "data/".$p.".child.".$c.".php";
return "data/404.inc";
$p = $pid;
return "data/".$p.".page.php";
The security issue can be exploited sending a valid path via GET request. Null Byte must be used in
order to exploit this LFI.
PoC : /[cms_path]/?p=[local_file]%00
Credit goes to Giovanni Buzzin, "Osirys"for the discover of this vulnerability.
[END: 07/04/2011]