ZyWALL USG Appliance – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: RedTeam Pentesting
    日期: 2011-05-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17244/
  • Advisory: Authentication Bypass in Configuration Import and Export of
    ZyXEL ZyWALL USG Appliances
    Unauthenticated users with access to the management web interface of
    certain ZyXEL ZyWALL USG appliances can download and upload
    configuration files, that are applied automatically.
    Product: ZyXEL USG (Unified Security Gateway) appliances
     ZyWALL USG-20
     ZyWALL USG-20W
     ZyWALL USG-50
     ZyWALL USG-100
     ZyWALL USG-200
     ZyWALL USG-300
     ZyWALL USG-1000
     ZyWALL USG-1050
     ZyWALL USG-2000
     Possibly other ZLD-based products
    Affected Versions: Firmware Releases before April 25, 2011
    Fixed Versions: Firmware Releases from or after April 25, 2011
    Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass
    Security Risk: high
    Vendor URL: http://www.zyxel.com/
    Vendor Status: fixed version released
    Advisory URL: http://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2011-003
    Advisory Status: published
    CVE URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH
    ``The ZyWALL USG (Unified Security Gateway) Series is the "third
    generation" ZyWALL featuring an all-new platform. It provides greater
    performance protection, as well as a deep packet inspection security
    solution for small businesses to enterprises alike. It embodies a
    Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Anti-Virus, Intrusion
    Detection and Prevention (IDP), Content Filtering, Anti-Spam, and VPN
    (IPSec/SSL/L2TP) in one box. This multilayered security safeguards your
    organization's customer and company records, intellectual property, and
    critical resources from external and internal threats.''
    (From the vendor's homepage)
    More Details
    During a penetration test, a ZyXEL ZyWALL USG appliance was found and
    tested for security vulnerabilities.The following sections first
    describe, how the appliance's filesystem can be extracted from the
    encrypted firmware upgrade zip files.Afterwards it is shown, how
    arbitrary configuration files can be up- and downloaded from the
    appliance.This way, a custom user account with a chosen password can
    be added to the running appliance without the need of a reboot.
    Decrypting the ZyWALL Firmware Upgrade Files
    Firmware upgrade files for ZyXEL ZyWALL USG appliances consist of a
    regularly compressed zip file, which contains, among others, two
    encrypted zip files with the main firmware.For example, the current
    firmware version 2.21(BQD.2) for the ZyWALL USG 20 ("ZyWALL USG
    20_2.21(BDQ.2)C0.zip") contains the following files:
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 43116374 Sep 302010 221BDQ2C0.bin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7354 Sep 302010 221BDQ2C0.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user28395 Sep 302010 221BDQ2C0.db
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 703402 Oct 12 17:48 221BDQ2C0.pdf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user3441664 Sep 302010 221BDQ2C0.ri
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user user231 Sep 302010 firmware.xml
    The files 221BDQ2C0.bin and 221BDQ2C0.db are encrypted zip files that
    require a password for decompression.Listing the contents is
    $ unzip -l 221BDQ2C0.bin
    ------------------- ----- ----
     400752642010-09-15 06:32 compress.img
    02010-09-30 04:48 db/
    02010-09-30 04:48 db/etc/
    02010-09-30 04:48 db/etc/zyxel/
    02010-09-30 04:48 db/etc/zyxel/ftp/
    02010-09-30 04:48 db/etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/
     202010-09-14 14:46 db/etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/htm-default.conf
     73542010-09-14 14:46 db/etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/system-default.conf
    02010-09-30 04:48 etc_writable/
    02010-09-30 04:48 etc_writable/budget/
    02010-09-14 15:08 etc_writable/budget/budget.conf
    02010-09-15 06:28 etc_writable/firmware-upgraded
     812010-09-14 15:09 etc_writable/myzyxel_info.conf
    2432010-09-14 15:03 etc_writable/tr069ta.conf
    02010-09-30 04:48 etc_writable/zyxel/
    02010-09-30 04:48 etc_writable/zyxel/conf/
    9962010-09-15 06:28 etc_writable/zyxel/conf/__eps_checking_default.xml
    426972010-09-14 14:46 etc_writable/zyxel/conf/__system_default.xml
     952010-09-30 04:48 filechecksum
     10232010-09-30 04:48 filelist
    3362010-09-30 04:48 fwversion
     502010-09-15 06:34 kernelchecksum
    34416642010-09-30 04:48 kernelusg20.bin
    02010-09-14 14:46 wtp_image/
    --------- -------
     43569823 24 files
    $ unzip -l 221BDQ2C0.db
    ------------------- ----- ----
    02009-07-29 04:44 db_remove_lst
    02010-09-15 06:28 etc/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/idp/
     392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/all.conf
     252010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/attributes.txt
    6392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/attributes_self.txt
    2772010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/device.conf
     392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/dmz.conf
     392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/lan.conf
     392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/none.conf
    605812010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/self.ref
     51902010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/self.rules
    02010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/update.ref
    02010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/update.rules
     392010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/wan.conf
     4450752010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/zyxel.ref
    3272010-09-14 16:08 etc/idp/zyxel.rules
    02010-09-14 16:05 etc/zyxel/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/.dha/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/.dha/dha_idp/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/cert/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/cert/trusted/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/
     202010-09-14 14:46 etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/htm-default.conf
     73542010-09-14 14:46 etc/zyxel/ftp/conf/system-default.conf
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/dev/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/idp/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/packet_trace/
    02010-09-15 06:35 etc/zyxel/ftp/script/
     12562010-09-15 06:35 filelist
    --------- -------
     520939 31 files
    During a penetration test it was discovered that the file
    "221BDQ2C0.conf" (from the unencrypted firmware zip file) has exactly
    the same size as the file "system-default.conf" contained in each
    encrypted zip.This can be successfully used for a known-plaintext
    attack[1] against these files, afterwards the decrypted zip-files can be
    extracted.However, please note that this attack only allows decrypting
    the encrypted zip files, the password used for encrypting the files in
    the first place is not revealed.
    Among others, the following programs implement this attack:
     * PkCrack by Peter Conrad [2]
     * Elcomsoft Advanced Archive Password Recovery [3]
    Afterwards, the file "compress.img" from "221BDQ2C0.bin" can be
    decompressed (e.g. by using the program "unsquashfs"), revealing the
    filesystem for the appliance.
    Web-Interface Authentication Bypass
    ZyWALL USG appliances can be managed over a web-based administrative
    interface offered by an Apache http server.The interface requires
    authentication prior to any actions, only some static files can be
    requested without authentication.
    A custom Apache module "mod_auth_zyxel.so" implements the
    authentication, it is configured in etc/service_conf/httpd.conf in the
    firmware (see above). Several Patterns are configured with the directive
    "AuthZyxelSkipPattern", all URLs matching one of these patterns can be
    accessed without authentication:
    AuthZyxelSkipPattern /images/ /weblogin.cgi /I18N.js /language
    The administrative interface consists of several programs which are
    called as CGI scripts. For example, accessing the following URL after
    logging in with an admin account delivers the current startup
    configuration file:
    The Apache httpd in the standard configuration allows appending
    arbitrary paths to CGI scripts. The server saves the extra path in the
    environment variable PATH_INFO and executes the CGI script (this can be
    disabled by setting "AcceptPathInfo" to "off"[4]). Therefore, appending
    the string "/images/" and requesting the following URL also executes the
    "export-cgi" script and outputs the current configuration file:
    During the penetration test it was discovered that for this URL, no
    authentication is necessary (because the string "/images/" is included
    in the path-part of the URL) and arbitrary configuration files can be
    downloaded. The file "startup-config.conf" can contain sensitive data
    like firewall rules and hashes of user passwords. Other interesting
    config-file names are "lastgood.conf" and "systemdefault.conf".
    The administrative interface furthermore allows uploading of
    configuration files with the "file_upload-cgi" script.Applying the
    same trick (appending "/images/"), arbitrary configuration files can be
    uploaded without any authentication.When the chosen config-file name
    is set to "startup-config.conf", the appliance furthermore applies all
    settings directly after uploading.This can be used to add a second
    administrative user with a self-chosen password and take over the
    Proof of Concept
    The current startup-config.conf file from a ZyWALL USG appliance can be
    downloaded by accessing the following URL, e.g. with the program cURL:
     $ curl --silent -o startup-config.conf \
    This file can be re-uploaded (e.g. after adding another administrative
    user) with the following command, the parameter "ext-comp-1121" may need
    to be adjusted:
     $ curl --silent -F ext-comp-1121=50 -F file_type=config -F nv=1 \
     -F "file_path=@startup-config.conf;filename=startup-config.conf" \
    If possible, disable the web-based administrative interface or else
    ensure that the interface is not exposed to attackers.
    Upgrade to a firmware released on or after April 25, 2011.
    Security Risk
    Any attackers who are able to access the administrative interface of
    vulnerable ZyWALL USG appliances can read and write arbitrary configuration
    files, thus compromising the complete appliance.Therefore the risk is
    estimated as high.
    2011-03-07 Vulnerability identified
    2011-04-06 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
    2011-04-07 Vendor notified
    2011-04-07 First reactions of vendor, issue is being investigated
    2011-04-08 Meeting with vendor
    2011-04-15 Vulnerability fixed by vendor
    2011-04-18 Test appliance and beta firmware supplied to
     RedTeam Pentesting, fix verified
    2011-04-25 Vendor released new firmwares with fix
    2011-04-29 Vendor confirms that other ZLD-based devices may also be
    2011-05-04 Advisory released
    RedTeam Pentesting likes to thank ZyXEL for the fast response and
    professional collaboration.
    [1] ftp://utopia.hacktic.nl/pub/crypto/cracking/pkzip.ps.gz
    [2] http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~conrad/krypto/pkcrack.html
    [3] http://www.elcomsoft.com/archpr.html
    [4] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#acceptpathinfo
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
    performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
    weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
    fixed immediately.
    As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
    share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
    security related areas. The results are made available as public
    security advisories.
    More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbHTel.: +49 241 963-1300
    Dennewartstr. 25-27Fax : +49 241 963-1304
    52068 Aachenhttp://www.redteam-pentesting.de/
    Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
    Geschäftsführer: Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen, Claus R. F. Overbeck
    Advisory: Client Side Authorization ZyXEL ZyWALL USG Appliances Web
    The ZyXEL ZyWALL USG appliances perform parts of the authorization for
    their management web interface on the client side using JavaScript. By
    setting the JavaScript variable "isAdmin" to "true", a user with limited
    access gets full access to the web interface.
    Product: ZyXEL USG (Unified Security Gateway) appliances
     ZyWALL USG-20
     ZyWALL USG-20W
     ZyWALL USG-50
     ZyWALL USG-100
     ZyWALL USG-200
     ZyWALL USG-300
     ZyWALL USG-1000
     ZyWALL USG-1050
     ZyWALL USG-2000
     Possibly other ZLD-based products
    Affected Versions: Firmware Releases before April 25, 2011
    Fixed Versions: FirmwareReleases from or after April 25, 2011
    Vulnerability Type: Client Side Authorization
    Security Risk: medium
    Vendor URL: http://www.zyxel.com/
    Vendor Status: fixed version released
    Advisory URL: http://www.redteam-pentesting.de/advisories/rt-sa-2011-004
    Advisory Status: published
    CVE URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH
    ``The ZyWALL USG (Unified Security Gateway) Series is the "third
    generation" ZyWALL featuring an all-new platform. It provides greater
    performance protection, as well as a deep packet inspection security
    solution for small businesses to enterprises alike. It embodies a
    Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Anti-Virus, Intrusion
    Detection and Prevention (IDP), Content Filtering, Anti-Spam, and VPN
    (IPSec/SSL/L2TP) in one box. This multilayered security safeguards your
    organization's customer and company records, intellectual property, and
    critical resources from external and internal threats.''
    (From the vendor's homepage)
    More Details
    Users with the role "limited-admin" are allowed to log into the
    web-based administrative interface and configure some aspects of a
    ZyWALL USG appliance.It is usually not possible to download the current
    configuration file, as this includes the password-hashes of all users.
    When the "download" button in the File Manager part of the web interface
    is pressed, a JavaScript dialogue window informs the user that this
    operation is not allowed.However, setting the JavaScript variable
    "isAdmin" to "true" (e.g. by using the JavaScript console of the
    "Firebug" extension for the Firefox web browser) disables this check and
    lets the user download the desired configuration file.It is also
    possible to directly open the URL that downloads the configuration file.
    The appliances do not check the users' permissions on the server side.
    Proof of Concept
    After logging into the web interface, set the local JavaScript variable
    "isAdmin" to "true" and use the File Manager to download configuration
    files.Alternatively, the current configuration file (including the
    password hashes) can also be downloaded directly by accessing the
    following URL:
    If possible, disable the web-based administrative interface or ensure
    otherwise that the interface is not exposed to attackers.
    Upgrade to a firmware released on or after April 25, 2011.
    Security Risk
    This vulnerability enables users of the role "limited-admin" to access
    configuration files with potentially sensitive information (like the
    password hashes of all other users).The risk of this vulnerability is
    estimated as medium.
    2011-03-07 Vulnerability identified
    2011-04-06 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
    2011-04-07 Vendor notified
    2011-04-08 Meeting with vendor
    2011-04-15 Vulnerability fixed by vendor
    2011-04-18 Test appliance and beta firmware supplied to
     RedTeam Pentesting, fix verified
    2011-04-25 Vendor released new firmwares with fix
    2011-04-29 Vendor confirms that other ZLD-based devices may also be
    2011-05-04 Advisory released
    RedTeam Pentesting likes to thank ZyXEL for the fast response and
    professional collaboration.
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests, short pentests,
    performed by a team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security
    weaknesses in company networks or products are uncovered and can be
    fixed immediately.
    As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
    share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
    security related areas. The results are made available as public
    security advisories.
    More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbHTel.: +49 241 963-1300
    Dennewartstr. 25-27Fax : +49 241 963-1304
    52068 Aachenhttp://www.redteam-pentesting.de/
    Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
    Geschäftsführer: Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen, Claus R. F. Overbeck