WordPress Plugin Photoracer 1.0 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Yakir Wizman
    日期: 2011-08-27
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17731/
  • ##########################################################################
    ## WordPress Photoracer Plugin <= 1.0 Multiple XSS & SQLI Vulnerabilities
    ## Tested on WordPress 3.2 Hebrew, Photoracer 1.0
    ## Vulnerabilities:
    ## * XSS
    ## * SQL Injection
    ## Bug discovered by Pr0T3cT10n, <pr0t3ct10n@gmail.com>
    ## Date: 26/08/2011
    ## Software Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/photoracer/
    ## ISRAEL
    ##			Author will be not responsible for any damage.
    ## Vulnerable Code - mostvoted.php [15-22]:
    15.if (isset($_REQUEST['pid']) || isset($_REQUEST['prid']))
    16.		$postid = $_REQUEST['pid'] ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : $_REQUEST['prid'];
    17.if (isset($_REQUEST['p']))
    18.		$p = $_REQUEST['p'];
    19.if ($postid == 0) exit;
    20.$q1 = "SELECT raceid, active_from, active_to, indexpath, name, headcontent, numphoto FROM ".
    21.		$wpdb->prefix."photoracer_admin where postid=$postid";
    22.$out = $wpdb->get_row($q1);
    ## NOTE:
    ## As you can see there is no validation or any filter to variable $postid ($_REQUEST['pid'] and $_REQUEST['prid']).
    ## See line 16. so you can inject sql query by using $postid;
    ## SQL Injection PoC:
    ## Vulnerable Code - mostviewed.php [15-22]:
    15.if (isset($_REQUEST['pid']) || isset($_REQUEST['prid']))
    16.		$postid = $_REQUEST['pid'] ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : $_REQUEST['prid'];
    17.if (isset($_REQUEST['p']))
    18.		$p = $_REQUEST['p'];
    19.if ($postid == 0) exit;
    20.$q1 = "SELECT raceid, active_from, active_to, indexpath, name, headcontent, numphoto FROM ".
    21.		$wpdb->prefix."photoracer_admin where postid=$postid";
    22.$out = $wpdb->get_row($q1);
    ## NOTE:
    ## As you can see there is no validation or any filter to variable $postid ($_REQUEST['pid'] and $_REQUEST['prid']).
    ## See line 16. so you can inject sql query by using $postid;
    ## SQL Injection PoC:
    ## Vulnerable Code - crono.php [15-22]:
    15.if (isset($_REQUEST['pid']) || isset($_REQUEST['prid']))
    16.		$postid = $_REQUEST['pid'] ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : $_REQUEST['prid'];
    17.if (isset($_REQUEST['p']))
    18.		$p = $_REQUEST['p'];
    19.if ($postid == 0) exit;
    20.$q1 = "SELECT raceid, active_from, active_to, indexpath, name, headcontent, numphoto FROM ".
    21.		$wpdb->prefix."photoracer_admin where postid=$postid";
    22.$out = $wpdb->get_row($q1);
    ## NOTE:
    ## As you can see there is no validation or any filter to variable $postid ($_REQUEST['pid'] and $_REQUEST['prid']).
    ## See line 16. so you can inject sql query by using $postid;
    ## SQL Injection PoC:
    ## Vulnerable Code - changefrom.php [31, 47-49]:
    31.if (isset($_REQUEST['rid'])) $rid = $_REQUEST['rid']; 
    47.$prq="SELECT raceid, postid, active_from, active_to, indexpath, name, numphoto FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."photoracer_admin WHERE raceid=$rid";
    48.//echo $pr_qlist."<br>\n";
    49.$out = $wpdb->get_row($prq);
    ## NOTE:
    ## As you can see there is no validation or any filter to variable $rid ($_REQUEST['rid']).
    ## See line 31. so you can inject sql query by using $postid;
    ## SQL Injection PoC:
    ## Vulnerable Code - changefrom.php [31, 47-49]:
    31.if (isset($_REQUEST['rid'])) $rid = $_REQUEST['rid']; 
    47.$prq="SELECT raceid, postid, active_from, active_to, indexpath, name, numphoto FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."photoracer_admin WHERE raceid=$rid";
    48.//echo $pr_qlist."<br>\n";
    49.$out = $wpdb->get_row($prq);
    ## NOTE:
    ## As you can see there is no validation or any filter to variable $rid ($_REQUEST['rid']).
    ## See line 31. so you can inject sql query by using $postid;
    ## SQL Injection PoC:
    ## XSS PoC: