# Exploit Title: Elite Gaming Laddersv3.6 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 05/09/2011
# Author: J.O
# Contact: exploit@m-h-a.org
# Website: http://www.m-h-a.org
# From : Morocco
> Elite Gaming Ladders v3.6 SQL Injection Exploit
> Vendor: http://eliteladders.com/
> Download : ------------------
> Price : $174.95
> Language : PHP
> Version: 3.6
> Category: webapps
> Google Dork: " Don't Be Devil :( !!! "
# Vulnerability Description:
Elite Gaming Ladders v3.6 suffers a remote SQL injection exploit
# Solution:
Sanitize the database inputs or block the bad words (UNION SELECT, UNION SELECT ALL, /*, --)
# Proof of Concept:
http://site.com/ladders.php?platform=( Injection )
Greetz To : Icedhell , Hakykaz .... & All Maghreb.Hacking.Association Members ( white Hats )
We Just L0v3 Security .