[+] Exploit Title : CMS 4.x.x Zorder (SQL Injection Vul)
[+] Author : Kr4L BeNiM
[+] Contact : www.facebook.com/kr4l.hacker
[+] Date : November 13, 2011
[+] Software Link:http://mambo-developer.org
[+] Category: Web Apps
*SQL injection Vulnerability*
[#]Exploit : -
The "zorder" parameter was not properly sanitized upon submission to
the administrator/index2.php url, which allows attacker to conduct
SQL Injection attack.
[#] Explaination : -
(SQL Inj Codes)
[+] Greets : Likuid Sky, Hax.Root, S.O.G, DjArs HaXoR, KiLLerMiNd, CyberLeeTs