Cloupia End-to-end FlexPod Management – Directory Traversal

  • 作者: Chris Rock
    日期: 2012-01-15
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • *Cloupia End-to-end FlexPod Management - Directory Traversal Vulnerability***
    *Advisory Information*
    Advisory ID: KUSTODIAN-2011-011
    Date published: Jan 13, 2011
    *Vulnerability Information*
    Class: Directory Traversal
    Remotely Exploitable: Yes
    Locally Exploitable: Yes
    *Software Description*
    Provides end-to-end FlexPod management and automation across physical,
    virtual, compute, storage and network resources.
    Create internal private clouds rapidly with internal standards and
    procedures to maximize the infrastructure investments.
    Provides comprehensive physical and virtual infrastructure management and
    Provides unified solution and single pane of glass for consistent and
    connected experience across private, public & hybrid clouds.
    *Vulnerability Description*
    jQuery File Tree is a configurable, AJAX file browser plugin for the jQuery
    javascript library utilised within the Cloupia application framework.
    Unauthenticated access to this module allows a remote attacker to browse
    the entire file system of the host server, beyond the realm of the web
    service itself.
    Cloupia are aware of this flaw and are releasing a patch to mitigate
    access. End users are urged to update immediately by contacting the vendor.
    * **Technical Description*
    The following process performed as an attacker to exploit this
    vulnerability would be as follows:
    The code for the jQuery File Tree Java-Server-Page file reads as follows:
    <%@ page
    * jQuery File Tree JSP Connector
    * Version 1.0
    * Copyright 2008 Joshua Gould
    * 21 April 2008
    String dir = request.getParameter("dir");
    if (dir == null) {
    if (dir.charAt(dir.length()-1) == '\\') {
    dir = dir.substring(0, dir.length()-1) + "/";
    } else if (dir.charAt(dir.length()-1) != '/') {
    dir += "/";
    if (new File(dir).exists()) {
     String[] files = new File(dir).list(new FilenameFilter() {
     public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
     return name.charAt(0) != '.';
     Arrays.sort(files, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
     out.print("<ul class=\"jqueryFileTree\" style=\"display:
     // All dirs
     for (String file : files) {
     if (new File(dir, file).isDirectory()) {
     out.print("<li class=\"directory
    collapsed\"><a href=\"#\" rel=\"" + dir + file + "/\">"
    + file + "</a></li>");
     // All files
     for (String file : files) {
     if (!new File(dir, file).isDirectory()) {
     int dotIndex = file.lastIndexOf('.');
     String ext = dotIndex > 0 ?
    file.substring(dotIndex + 1) : "";
     out.print("<li class=\"file ext_" + ext +
    "\"><a href=\"#\" rel=\"" + dir + file + "\">"
    + file + "</a></li>");
    This vulnerability was discovered by Chris Rock <> and
    from Kustodian
    The contents of this advisory are copyright (c) Kustodian Security and may
    be distributed freely provided that no fee is charged for this distribution
    and proper credit is given.