DFLabs PTK 1.0.5 – Steal Authentication Credentials

  • 作者: Ivano Binetti
    日期: 2012-02-22
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18513/
  • +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # Exploit Title : DFLabs PTK <= 1.0.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Steal Authentication Credentials)
    # Date: 22-02-2012
    # Author: Ivano Binetti (http://ivanobinetti.com)
    # Software link : http://sourceforge.net/projects/ptk-forensics/files/latest/download
    # Vendor site : http://www.dflabs.com
    # Version : 1.0.5 (and lower)
    # Tested on : Ubuntu 10.04
    +-------------------------[Steal Authentication Credentials by Ivano Binetti]-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2)Vulnerability Description
    DFLabs PTK is "an alternative advanced interface for the suite TSK (The Sleuth Kit)". 
    2)Vulnerability Description
    PTK 1.0.5 (and lower) suffer from a CSRF vulnerability which allows an attacker to force administrator/investigator logout at web management 
    interface. Furthermore PTK's default installation (following the procedure indicated into PTK's "INSTALL" file) doesn't perform "http to https" 
    redirection in order to secure http connection by transport layer encryption. To default there isn't https redirection in the authentication
    phase as well as there isn't https redirection during other PTK's activities. If an internal attacker (the nature of this tool makes difficult
    that PTK may have public ip address) makes an Man in the Middle attack (I successfully made it using Dsniff and Ettercap) the CSRF vulnerability
    found, forcing the administrator/investigator to logout, will aid the attacker to sniff authentication credentials. This condition can occur when
    PTK is used in production environment and the investigator is conducting an analysis about internal people. Of course this logic can be extended
    to any person which has access to internal LAN as an attacker which with a client-based exploit can control a internal client which can reach 
    PTK's server.
    This vulnerability is correlated to poor sessioncheck into /<ptk_main_directory>/lib/logout.php script. In fact, differently from other php
    script, where there is the php code like the following to session's check:
    if (!isset($_SESSION['case_token']) or strcmp($_SESSION['user'],"admin")!=0 or strcmp($_SESSION['case_token'],$_GET['tk'])!=0 or $token_age > 300){
     	new AuditLog('Unauthorized access to delete_case '.sanitize(RemoveXSS($_GET['id']),PARANOID));
    header("location: goto_home.php");
    into /<ptk_main_directory>/lib/logout.php there isn't tha above check. This security flaw allows an attacker to force administrator/investigator
    logout using a CSRF vulnerability.
    When an administrator/investigator browses a web pages which contains the following html/javascript code he is forced to logout at the PTK web
    management interface.
    <body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
    <H2>CSRF Exploit to force ADMIN/INVESTIGATOR logout</H2>
    <form method="GET" name="form0" action="http://<ptk_ip_address>:80/lib/logout.php">