ASP Classifieds – SQL Injection

  • 作者: r45c4l
    日期: 2012-03-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: ASP Classifieds Sql Injection
    # Date: 17/03/2012
    # Author: r45c4l
    # Email:
    # Script url:
    # Version: N/A
    # CVE : ()
    Product Description :
    ASP Classifieds is one of the most customizable Classified ad program
    that exist for ASP and Access. Unlimited Images , unlimited categories
    and much much more makes it perfect for those who wants to set up a used
    stamps classifieds to those wanting to show and sell real estates. 
    Product Cost : 58$
    [ EXPL0!T ]
    SQL Injection
    p0c -
    PoC - 
    [Note: Tested on demo website]
    d0rk - use your brain ;)
    Greetz to : Beenu Arora, Godwin Austin, Eberly, b0nd, the_empty_, micr0,
    Hoody, sam
    All members of ICW, AH and darkc0de, and all Indian Hackers
    Special Greetz to : b4ltazar and s1nner_01
    === End () ====