vBshop – Multiple Persistent Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: ToiL
    日期: 2012-03-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18668/
  • # Exploit Title: vBshop persistent XSS 0day
    # Google Dork: "DragonByte Technologies Ltd" vbshout
    # Date: 25/3/2012 9:32 PM #EST
    # Author: ToiL
    # Software Link: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/
    # Version: all
    # Tested on: all
    # CVE : XSS
    #Greeting from Team Odyessy.
    #Today we will release a 0day for the vBulletin mod, vBShout.
    #This 0day exploit is brought to you by
    #Have fun, And happy exploiting.
    Go to vBshop
    Gift an item to aother user.
    In the 'message to user' put:
    Send the item off.
    Go to the users profile that you gifted
    Boom. Pers. XSS.
    Edit to your likeing.
    Go to vBshop
    Buy the 'username color change' or 'username glow change'
    set it to
    and you've got a Pers. XSS.
    Edit to your likeing.