ChillyCMS 1.1.3 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: AmnPardaz
    日期: 2010-09-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
    #AmnPardaz Security Research Team
    # Title:		chillyCMS Multiple Vulnerabilities
    # Vendor:
    # Vulnerable Version:	1.1.3 (Latest version till now)
    # Exploitation:		Remote with browser
    # Fix:			N/A
    - Description:
    chillyCMS is a Content Management System. Its main features are:
    easily edit your content in a WYSIWYG editor,
    manage your users in different groups with different rights, upload
    single files or whole zip archives,
    insert your pictures into the content by drag and drop, one click
    backup with integrated installer,
    extend your cms with various modules, see which articles are most
    popular in the statistics.
    - Vulnerability:
    +--> SQL Injection
    	The username, in the login form, is one-parenthesis single-quoted
    injectable. For details check
    	the PoC section.
    +--> Reflective XSS
    	Whenever login failed, the username will be printed without
    sanitizing on the main page. This could
    	be used for executing any JavaScript code.
    - Exploits/PoCs:
    +--> Exploiting The (MySQL) SQL Injection Vulnerability:
    	Simply go to the login page at
    '' and use
    	the following vector for injecting arbitrary queries:
    	') or $THE_QUERY or 1=('
    	For example you may use following vector for extracting the pw field
    (for password) of the admin user
    	admin')and substr(pw,I,1)=('C
    	replacing the I with the index of char in a loop and C with different
    characters of it. If the query result
    	was true, username will be accepted and wrong password error will be
    shown. If the query result was false,
    	then username will be rejected and the wrong username error will be
    shown. Allowing blind SQL injection
    	to be performed.
    +--> Exploiting The Reflective XSS Vulnerability:
    	Use the following sample vector in the username field of the login
    page (or any other valid JavaScript
    	code) => username:<script>alert('XSS')</script>
    - Solution:
    White-list the input parameters before using them in the SQL queries,
    removing any ', \, ( characters
    or more simply restrict the parameters' length to a small length.
    - Credit:
    AmnPardaz Security Research & Penetration Testing Group
    Contact: admin[4t}bugreport{d0t]ir