Exploit Title: Joomla com_osproperty Unrestricted File Upload
Google Dork: com_osproperty
Date: [13-07-2012]
Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R"
Twitter: @D4NB4R
site: http://www.insecurityperu.org/&http://poisonsecurity.wordpress.com/
Vendor: Ossolution Team http://extensions.joomla.org/
Version: 2.0.2 (last update on Jul 12, 2012)
License: Commercial $ 28.86us
Tested on: [Linux(arch)-Windows(7ultimate)]
1.Go to this route
Ingrese a esta ruta
2.Complete the form, raising the shell.php instead of your photo
Complete el formulario, subiendo la shell.php en lugar de su foto
3.Locate your file in the root /osproperty/agent/
Busque su archivo en la raiz /osproperty/agent/
Help:This path can help you find your web shell in case you need it
Este path le puede ayudar a encontrar su web shell en caso q lo necesite
Im not responsible for which is given
No me hago responsable del uso que se le de
Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R"2012